
  • 网络anemofrigid-damp arthralgia;arthralgia due to wind-cold dampness;arthralgia due to wind cold-dampness;arthralgia due to wind-cold-dampness;wind-cold-wetness bype of arthralgia;wind-cold-damp impediment
  1. 桂芍知母汤加味治疗早期类风湿性关节炎临床疗效桂枝芍药知母汤治疗类风湿性关节炎(风寒湿痹型)的临床研究

    Clinical Research on the Effect of Cinnamon Twig , Peony , Anemarrhena Decoction on Rheumatoid Arthritis ( RA ) with Anemofrigid-damp Arthralgia

  2. 辨证论治是中医临床治疗RA的主要手段。观察32例病人,从病人来源看,风寒湿痹者更为多见;

    Differentiation of syndromes and treatment is the mostly measure in TCM clinical treating , in the clinical research , we observed 32 patients ;

  3. 药物熏蒸治疗风寒湿痹疗效分析

    Effective Analysis on Treating Chill Arthritis with steam Generated by Boiling Medicinal Herbs

  4. 中药熏治风寒湿痹120例临床报告

    Treatment of 120 Cases of Arthralgia Syndrome Caused by Wind , Cold and Damp with Fumigation of Chinese Herbs

  5. 絮刺火罐对实验性风寒湿痹神经传导速度及兴奋阈的影响

    Influence of Multiple Tapping and Cupping Therapy on Nerve Conduction Velocity and Excitatory Threshold in Experimental Wind Cold Damp Bi Obstruction Syndrome

  6. 目的观察风湿痛消丸治疗风寒湿痹病的临床疗效。

    Aim To research the clinical efficacy of Fengtongning Pill FTN on treatment of Bi syndrome induced by wind , cold and dampness .

  7. 风寒湿痹和痰瘀进一步阻滞经络,造成经络闭阻,患者多出现四肢末端麻木、迟钝、疼痛,并且以疼痛为主要表现。

    Cold and dampness and phlegm and blood stasis further block the meridians , resulting in the meridians closed block , the patients extremities , numbness , dull pain , and pain as the main performance .

  8. 目的:观察阳和汤治疗肾阳虚型、风寒湿痹型类风湿性关节炎的有效性与安全性。方法:将60例类风湿性关节炎患者随机分为治疗组与对照组各30例。

    Objective : To investigate the efficacy and safety of Yanghe Decoction on the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of kidney-Yang deficiency and wind-cold-damp retention type . Method : 60 patients were randomly divided into the treatment group and the control group , each of 30 cases .

  9. 其主要病机为肝肾亏虚,风寒湿邪痹阻,痰瘀阻络。据此确立补肾蠲痹通络为膝骨关节炎肾虚络痹证的治疗大法。

    And The main pathogenesis for the liver and kidney deficiency , evil wind cold dampness , collaterals clogged with phlegm and blood stasis .

  10. 风寒湿痹证用蠲痹汤加减。

    Rheumatism caused by wind-cold-dampness : using Juan Bi Decoction modification . 6 .

  11. 中医学为膝骨关节炎主要是由于风寒湿邪侵袭,痹阻关节所致。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine holds that knee osteoarthritis is mainly caused by wind-cold-dampness evil invasion and blockage of joints .