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  • burlap;sacking;gunny;sackcloth;chat
粗麻布[cū má bù]
  1. 我瞟了一眼空空的盛水的碗,我立刻想起了上周在从一个漏管子中咬破粗麻布挣扎着要到达水边的经历着最后痛苦的患狂犬病的五只臭鼬。

    I glanced at the empty water bowl . My memory flashed back to the five skunks that last week had torn the burlap from a leaking pipe in a frenzied effort to reach water during the final agonies of rabies .

  2. 用粗麻布做的外衣;以前穿着它暗示着一种懊悔。

    A garment made of coarse sacking ; formerly worn as an indication of remorse .

  3. 一块粗麻布被染红、缝上流苏,做成了一块雅致的地毯。

    A piece of hessian dyed red , fringed , made an elegant carpet .

  4. 他用从面粉袋子上剪下来的花布做成窗帘,换下了原来挂在肮脏不堪的窗户上的粗麻布口袋。

    Floral cloth from flour sacks replaced the burlap-bag curtains covering the grimy window .

  5. 哈克问:他们头上缠粗麻布、抹着灰干嘛?

    " What does he put sackcloth and ashes on his head for ?" inquired Huck .

  6. 用羊毛毡或粗麻布把植株包起来,用绳子把布料绑在植株上。

    Wrap the plant in fleece or Hessian and tie the fabric to the plant with string .

  7. 布袋装(宽松直筒短装).糖是装在粗麻布口袋的,每袋100公斤。

    Sack dress ( short loose straight dress ) We pack sugar in a new gunny-bags of 100 kgs . Each .

  8. 将煮好的液体放进粗麻布中过滤,将过滤后液体上方漂浮的精华涂抹于脸上保湿。

    Strain it through cheesecloth and refrigerate . Skim off the cream that hardens on the top and rub it into your skin to moisturize .

  9. 巴厘的绘画别具一格,大都是用胶和矿物颜料画在粗麻布或白帆布上,主题取材于田园风光和人民生活习俗,具有浓郁的地方色彩。

    Bali painting unique , mostly plastic and mineral pigments in the paintings of coarse linen or canvas , themes drawn from the pastoral scenery and the people living habits , a strong feature .