
shí dà gōng láo
  • Chinese mahonia;graperoot
十大功劳[shí dà gōng láo]
  1. HPLC测定不同采收季节阔叶十大功劳茎中生物碱含量

    Determination of alkaloid content in stem of Mahonia bealei ( Fort . ) Carr using HPLC during different harvesting seasons

  2. 重庆石灰岩地区十大功劳(Mahoniafortunei)的光合响应研究

    Studies About the Photosynthetic Response of the Shrub Mahonia fortunei in the Limestone Area of Chongqing

  3. 微波辐射促进阔叶十大功劳叶萃取过程的研究

    Promotion by Microwave Radiation in the Extraction of Mahonia bealei Leaves

  4. 该研究结果为十大功劳属植物的开发利用提供了理论参考。

    The research results will conduce to the exploration of Mahonia plants .

  5. 阔叶十大功劳根中生物碱组分体外抗流感病毒试验研究

    Study on Anti-influenza Effect of Alkaloids from Roots of Mahonia bealei in Vitro

  6. 中国十大功劳和堇菜属二新种

    Two New Species of Mahonia and Viola From China

  7. 微波辅助萃取十大功劳叶中的小檗碱

    Microwave assisted extraction of berberine from Mahonia bealei

  8. 用正交试验对十大功劳提取盐酸小檗碱的工艺进行研究。

    The article reports the processing methods for extracting berberine hydrochoride from Mahonia bealei by means of regressive test .

  9. 本文综述了十大功劳属植物近十年的药理作用研究进展,为进一步开发和利用该属植物提供了理论依据。

    This article summarized the biological activities of Mahonia and provides theoretic proof for further exploitation of the plants .

  10. 利用鸡胚试验技术研究了阔叶十大功劳根中生物碱成分在体外对流感病毒的抑制作用。

    Anti-influenza effect of alkaloids from roots of Mahonia bealei ( Fort . ) Carr . was studied in vitro .

  11. 利用间歇式微波辅助萃取装置,对提取阔叶十大功劳叶中的药用有效成分小檗碱进行了研究。

    A study on microwave assisted extraction ( MAE ) for berberine in Mahonia bealei ( Fort . ) Carr .

  12. 以微波法提取阔叶十大功劳叶、花中总黄酮含量分别为2.182%、8.155%。

    The content of the flavonoids in the Mahonia bealei ( fort . ) carr leaves and flowers by microwave extraction was 2.180 % and 8.155 % .

  13. 木豆单位叶重的含氮量季节均值为37.6mg/g,明显高于十大功劳的14.8mg/g,说明木豆的高固氮能力导致了木豆的高光合能力。

    The leaf N content of C. cajan was 37.6 mg / g , much higher than that of M.fortunei ( 14.8 mg / g ), implying that the nitrogen-fixing capacity of the former causes its high photosynthetic capacity .

  14. 结果表明:(1)四川省十大功劳属植物都含小檗碱、药根碱及巴马汀,小檗碱在生物碱组成中居于最首要的地位,其次分别是药根碱,巴马汀;

    Results showed that ( 1 ) berberine , jatrorrhizine and palmatine all exist in Mahonia plant in Sichuan province , berberine was playing a leading role in the compouds of the alkaloid of Mahonia in Sichuan province , jatrorrhizine was second , palmatine was third ;