
  • 网络The Sonnets
  1. 莎士比亚是英国乃至世界文坛上一座屹立不倒的丰碑,除了流传甚广的剧作,他的十四行诗集更是为一代又一代的文学理论家和普通文学爱好者所研读。

    Shakespeare is an everlasting legend in the literary arena of England and even the whole world . Apart from his well-known plays , the collection of his sonnets has also received high appreciation by literary theorists and common readers one generation after another .

  2. 其杰作葡萄牙十四行诗集(1850年),是一部写给她丈夫的爱情组诗。

    Her greatest work , Sonnets from the Portuguese ( 1850 ), is a sequence of love poems written to her husband .