
yǐ zhuànɡ jié chánɡ jìnɡ jiǎn chá
  • sigmoidoscopy
  1. 结直肠癌常用的筛查手段包括大便潜血试验、乙状结肠镜检查、全结肠镜检查和钡灌肠检查等。

    New methods for colorectal cancer screening include fecal occult-blood testing , flexible sigmoidoscopy , colonoscopy , and double-contrast barium enema .

  2. 完成结肠镜所需的额外时间和结肠镜检查相对于软式乙状结肠镜检查的额外费用在这种情况下仍需要评价。

    The additional time required to complete the colonoscopy and the additional costs of a colonoscopy versus flexible sigmoidoscopy in such circumstances require evaluation .

  3. 结果所有病例术前均行直、乙状结肠镜检查,并活检,其中5例术前确诊为直肠类癌。

    Results The rectoromanoscopy and biopsy were taken in all patients .

  4. 方法对乙状结肠镜检查2704例所见结肠疾病患者进行回顾性分析。

    METHODS To study retrospectively 2704 patients with colon diseases detected by sigmoidoscopy .

  5. 诊断依靠外伤史、临床表现、直肠指诊、乙状结肠镜检查及剖腹探查。

    The diagnosis of rectal injury relied on injury history , clinical presentation , anorectal examination , sigmoid coloscopy , and explorare laparotomy .

  6. 毕竟,反对者会认为,软式乙状结肠镜无法检查右半结肠,而近三分之一的肿瘤发生在此部位。

    After all , opponents will argue that flexible sigmoidoscopy is unable to examine the right colon , where nearly a third of the cancers arise .