
  • 网络seru
  1. 那个卫兵笑了:“是我们队长给您打电话,告诉您OM-45号那两个人的事的。他是塞鲁船长的哥哥。”

    The guard smiled . " My captain phoned you about the two people from OM-45 . He 's the brother of Captain Seru . "

  2. 还有,高格要到火星去。塞鲁船长说。

    ' And Gog is going to Mars ,' seru said .

  3. 塞鲁船长的房间里有一扇大窗子。凯透过玻璃凝望黑色的天空。

    There was a big window in Captain Seru 's room .

  4. 塞鲁笑了,可她的目光中却没有喜悦的神情。

    Seru smiled , but her eyes were not happy .

  5. 凯站起身:“谢谢您,塞鲁船长。”

    Kiah stood up . " Thank you , Captain Seru . "

  6. 他们坐了下来,5分钟后,塞鲁船长来了。

    They sat down , and five minutes later Captain Seru arrived .

  7. 他们迅速朝塞鲁船长的房间走去。

    Quickly , they went to Captain Seru 's room .

  8. 塞鲁的哥哥又走了进来。

    Seru 's brother came into the room again .

  9. 大火很快就会把森林烧毁。塞鲁说。

    ' The fires are destroying the forest very quickly ,' seru said .

  10. 说得对,咱们现在去见塞鲁船长吧,待会儿再吃饭好吗?

    You 're right ! Shall we see captain seru now , before dinner ?

  11. 塞鲁在房间里走来走去。

    Seru walked up and down the room .

  12. 塞鲁船长吃完了最后一个三明治。

    Captain seru finished the last sandwich .

  13. “进来!”塞鲁船长喊道。

    Come in ! Captain seru called .

  14. 塞鲁船长看了看那些数字。

    Captain seru looked at the numbers .

  15. 塞鲁的哥哥进来一趟又出去了。

    Seru 's brother came and went .

  16. 凯和塞鲁悄悄地谈着什么。

    Kiah and Seru talked quietly .

  17. 塞鲁船长没有动。

    Captain seru did not move .

  18. 塞鲁船长喝了一口水。

    And Captain Seru began drinking .

  19. 要点咖啡吗?还有三明治?塞鲁的哥哥问。

    ' Would you like some coffee ? And some sandwiches ?' seru 's brother asked .

  20. 塞鲁船长没说话。

    Captain Seru said nothing .

  21. 他是塞鲁船长的哥哥。

    Captain phoned you about the two people from OM-45 . He 's the brother of Captain Seru .

  22. 塞鲁注视了一阵瑞拉:“是的,我来之前给阿岱打过电话。

    Seru looked at Rilla for a minute . " Yes , I phoned Adai before I came here .

  23. 你们塞鲁船长今天早晨来过,并且告诉他人工臭氧层有了洞。

    Your captain , Seru , was here earlier this morning and began to tell him about the holes in the AOL .

  24. 第二天下午,塞鲁船长的哥哥把凯和瑞拉带到监狱后面的一个小房间。

    The next afternoon , Captain Seru 's brother took Kiah and Rilla to a little room at the back of the prison .

  25. “高格生气了,特别生气,”塞鲁船长说,“最后,他把阿岱分配到了月球。

    ' Gog was angry , very angry ,' Captain Seru said . ' In the end , he sent Adai to the Moon .

  26. 不用,谢谢,凯说,我想请您看看这些数字。凯把自己的笔记本递给塞鲁船长。

    ' No , thank you ,' Kiah answered . ' I 'd like you to look at these numbers . ' Kiah gave Captain Seru his book .

  27. 她哥哥拿着咖啡和三明治走了进来,塞鲁边吃边说:“高格想知道关于扎达克的情况,他也想知道关于你们的情况。”她说,

    Her brother came in with the coffee and sandwiches and Seru began to eat . " Gog wants to know about Zadak , and about you , " she said .

  28. “进来!喝点什么吗?”“不用,谢谢,”凯说,“我想请您看看这些数字。”凯把自己的笔记本递给塞鲁船长。

    ' Come in ! Would you like a drink ? ''no , thank you , 'kiah answered . 'i 'd like you to look at these numbers . 'kiah gave captain seru his book .

  29. 不等回答,她接着说:“两年前我在他的船上。一天晚上卫星发回了关于人工臭氧层的一些不寻常的数据。我们回到地球去见地球司令。”塞鲁船长停了下来。

    She didn 't wait for an answer . " I was on his ship , two years ago . One evening , the satellite gave us interesting numbers about the AOL . We went back to Earth and saw Earth Commander . " captain Seru stopped speaking .

  30. 塞鲁船长的脸涨红了:“你不明白。我不会去跟高格说的。上次他把我发配到了南极的一艘气象飞船上。我第一次在飞船上呆了两年。”塞鲁船长喝了一口水。

    Captain Seru 's face went red . " You don 't understand . I 'm not going to talk to Gog . Last time , he sent me to a weather ship in the Antarctic ! This is my first Ship for two years ! " And Captain Seru began drinking .