
pào huǒ xí jī
  • artillery bombardment;gunfire surprise
  1. 广播上说首都的其他地区也遭到了炮火袭击。

    The radio said other parts of the capital also came under shellfire .

  2. 士兵们进行常规巡逻时遭到炮火袭击。

    The soldiers came under fire while on a routine patrol .

  3. 在敌人猛烈炮火袭击下,军队奋力朝下个村子前进。

    The army pushed towards the next village , under heavy enemy gunfire .

  4. 我们受到四面八方的炮火袭击。

    We were under fire from all sides .

  5. 一些建筑物昨天晚上遭到炮火袭击。

    Some buildings are under fire last night .

  6. 战壕掩蔽我们不受敌人炮火袭击。

    The trenches sheltered us from enemy gunfire .

  7. 英国军队昨天再次遭到炮火袭击。

    British troops came under fire again yesterday .

  8. 猛烈开火用猛烈的炮火袭击。

    To assault with heavy gunfire .

  9. 我在炮火袭击下坚守了24小时,没有伤亡一人。

    I have sustained a continual Bombardment and cannonade for24 hours and have not lost a man .

  10. 船上载有成箱的救援物资,志愿者还有记者,目的地:加沙。加沙这块巴勒斯坦属地目前正处于以色列猛烈的炮火袭击中。

    The boat was carrying boxes of relief supplies , volunteers and journalists to Gaza , the Palestinian territory now subject to an intense Israeli bombing campaign .

  11. 医院医生称,利比亚港口城市米苏拉塔遭遇来自忠于卡扎菲上校的部队的新一轮炮火袭击。

    Hospital doctors say the Libyan port city of Misrata has come under a renewed artillery barrage by troops loyal to the country 's leader Muammar Gaddafi .

  12. 在炮火袭击下畏缩尚可理解,而面对一个需要教导(也可从中学习)的世界却当懦夫则是卑鄙的。

    To be cowardly under fire is understandable , but to cower when there is a world to be taught ( and to learn from ) is contemptible .

  13. 内塔尼亚胡表示,以色列居民生活在炮火袭击和来自地下入侵的威胁下,这种情况是不可接受的。

    Netanyahu said the situation in which Israeli citizens live under the threat of rocket fire from the sky , and infiltrations into Israel from underground is non acceptable .

  14. 由于叙利亚港口城市拉塔基亚已经遭受政府军的猛烈炮火袭击,成千上万的巴勒斯坦难民被迫逃离他们在叙利亚的难民营。

    Thousands of Palestinian refugees have been forced to flee from their camp in Syria , which has been hit by heavy fire from government forces bombarding the port city of Latakia .

  15. 一位日本俯冲轰炸机去,因为它向地面起火头后,这是由海军防空炮火袭击珍珠港时的惊喜,1941年12月7日攻到其最后一跳。

    A Japanese dive bomber goes into its last dive as it heads toward the ground in flames after it was hit by Naval anti-aircraft fire during surprise attack on Pearl Harbor , Dec.7,1941 .

  16. 实际上,没有空中护卫队的保护,执行任务的空投飞机会可能遭到缅甸炮火袭击,但实施空军护卫,只会使矛盾升级,结果事以愿为。

    One difficulty is that the aircraft doing the dropping might be fired on unless they had military escorts , and that might lead to more fighting than anyone should want to see in a disaster zone .

  17. 他们在挖战壕以免受炮火的袭击。

    They were digging trenches to shelter the men from gunfire .

  18. 他们受到敌人猛烈炮火的袭击。

    They came under heavy enemy gunfire .

  19. 士兵们用泥土和石块盖住屋顶,其厚度足以掩护他们不受炮火的袭击。

    The soldiers covered the roof with earth and rock , thick enough to shelter them from gunfire .

  20. 进入荷兰领空后就开始遭受到地面防空炮火的袭击。06:20载着第一批部队的运输机开始降落在机场松软的跑道上了。

    Already over Dutch soil began the antiaircraft fire and shortly afterwards at06:20 hours the planes carrying the first wave dive to land on the airfield 's soft ground .

  21. 总统官邸又一次遭到炮火的集中袭击。

    The presidential palace has been hit again by concentrated artillery fire .