
  • 网络Said;PORT SAID
  1. 埃及人权活动人士星期四走上街头,抗议警方未能预防一场足球赛上的暴力事件。发生在北部城市塞德港的这场骚乱造成至少74人死亡,数百人受伤。

    Egyptian activists are taking to the streets Thursday to protest the failure of police to prevent violence at a soccer match that left at least 74 people dead and hundreds injured in the northern city of Port Said .

  2. 我们在黄昏时乘船抵达塞德港。

    We landed at port said in the early evening .

  3. 阿罗特说,塞德港的一些抗议者认为警方和军队要为这次事件负责,而其他抗议者呼吁对挑起暴力冲突的球迷进行报复。

    She said some protesters in the city are blaming the police and military for the incident , while others are calling for retaliation against the fans who instigated the violence .