
  • 网络Bank of Cyprus;Cyprus Bank
  1. 塞浦路斯银行的储户现在担心他们手里的现金将缩水,而根据穆迪(Moody’s)的数据,美国企业手头现金充裕,为1.45万亿美元,而且还在增加。

    Depositors of banks in Cyprus now fear they have less money than they thought while US corporations have plenty of cash to hand - $ 1.45tn and rising , according to Moody 's.

  2. 它肯定能够解决塞浦路斯银行的问题。

    It would have solved the problems of the Cypriot banks for sure .

  3. 遭遇希腊一系列违约事件重创前,塞浦路斯银行业一直在不负责任地过度增长。

    Its banks had grown excessively and irresponsibly before getting whacked by serial defaults in Greece .

  4. 民众担心塞浦路斯银行的命运,纷纷冲向自动取款机取钱。

    People are racing to ATMs withdrawing what they can amid worries about the fate of Cypriot banks .

  5. 如果你的账户存款超过10万欧元,你会存在一家塞浦路斯银行里吗?

    Would you trust your money in a Cypriot bank if you had over 100,000 euros in your account ?

  6. 这些银行构成了一个离岸金融中心,而且吸引了来历可疑的资金,一些欧洲官员因此认为应当对塞浦路斯银行业加强监管。

    They constitute an offshore center that some European officials feel should be regulated more tightly as it attracts funds from dubious sources .

  7. 当前塞浦路斯银行纷纷陷入困境,是因为希腊政府和希腊银行之前陷入困境,也因为欧元区强行把私营领域牵涉进来。

    Banks in Cyprus are falling now because the Greek state and Greek banks fell earlier , and because the eurozone forced a private-sector involvement .

  8. 塞浦路斯银行周五继续关闭,这个地中海岛国正设法找到避免金融崩盘的方法。

    Banks in Cyprus will now remain close through Friday as the Mediterranean island nation tries to find a way to avoid a financial meltdown .

  9. 关于俄罗斯人存放在塞浦路斯银行系统中的资金数量,以及它是俄罗斯寡头们的洗钱中心等说法已议论得够多了。

    Much has been talked about the amount of Russian money in the Cypriot banking system and how the island is a money laundering hub for its oligarchs .

  10. 就像塞浦路斯银行业危机时的情形一样,当金融系统崩溃时,寻找可以接受的担保从而换取急需的贷款是十分困难的。

    As was the case in Cyprus during its banking crisis , when a financial system implodes , finding acceptable collateral to swap for desperately needed loans can be difficult .

  11. 塞浦路斯的银行两周以来首次开门。

    Banks in Cyprus are open for the first time nearly two weeks .

  12. 去年,有总价值约80亿欧元的希腊存款被转移至塞浦路斯的银行。

    Last year , Greek deposits worth an estimated € 8bn were transferred to banks in Cyprus .

  13. 塞浦路斯各地银行星期四(3月28日)按计划恢复营业。塞浦路斯各银行由于国家经济接近崩溃而关闭近两个星期。

    Banks across Cyprus reopened as scheduled Thursday , nearly two weeks after being shutdown amid the island 's near-economic collapse .

  14. 不过它们很可能会参与希腊债券交换,这将吞噬这些资本中的大部分,塞浦路斯的银行会因此需要补充新资本。

    But their likely participation in any Greek bond exchange would devour most of that , leaving them in need of new capital .

  15. 这三个国家都不同程度地引用了塞浦路斯希腊银行接触,但也有人对财政延误疑虑。

    All three have to varying degrees cited exposure of Cypriot banks to Greece , but have also voiced misgivings about fiscal slippage .

  16. 今日上午,塞浦路斯各银行将在关门近两周后首次开门营业,营业时间为6小时。

    Cypriot banks are set to reopen this morning for the first time in nearly two weeks and stay open for six hours .

  17. 这可能是你的问题,塞浦路斯的银行体系基本上已经膨胀,几近崩溃边缘。

    That might be your question , basically , Cyprus 's banking system has gotten too big and is at risk of collapsing .

  18. 但这个方向的资金流动在今年趋于枯竭,人们担心的是,对希腊企业借款人有较高敞口的塞浦路斯各银行,可能遭到传染。

    But the flow has dried up this year amid fears that Cypriot banks , which have high exposure to Greek corporate borrowers , could suffer contagion .

  19. 塞浦路斯所有银行自3月16日以来一直关闭,与此同时,塞浦路斯政府为从欧洲邻国、欧洲中央银行以及国际货币基金组织得到130亿美元救助贷款而进行谈判。

    Cyprus banks have been closed since March 16 while the government negotiated a $ 13 billion bailout from European neighbors , the European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund .

  20. 塞浦路斯的银行关闭几天以后,今天,塞浦路斯人民正焦急地等待着议会对新方案的投票结果,新方案将避免这个岛国的两大银行倒闭。

    After several days of bank closure , Cypriots are anxiously waiting for parliamentary vote today on the new plan that would keep the island 's two biggest banks from collapsing .

  21. 由于正在使用中的钞票有相当数量已被“毁容”,塞浦路斯中央银行近日呼吁那些涂鸦爱好者们立即停止在该国流通货币上胡写乱画的行为。

    The Cypriot central bank , alarmed at the number of defaced banknotes in circulation , appealed to doodlers Wednesday to resist the temptation to scrawl on the country 's currency .

  22. 塞浦路斯的银行业危机还远未解决,很有可能在不久的将来演变成一场更为严重的主权债务危机,进而对全球的投资者构成威胁。

    The banking crisis in Cyprus is far from resolved and will almost certainly morph into a far more serious sovereign debt crisis in the near future , threatening investors around the globe .

  23. 欧元区无休止的危机和塞浦路斯攫取银行存款的鲁莽决定都使欧元无法代替美元成为储备货币。

    But it isn 't going to be the euro . The endless crisis within the single currency area , and the reckless decision to seize bank deposits in Cyprus has put paid to that .

  24. 塞浦路斯最大的银行已经停止用户的日常取款服务。

    One of the country 's biggest banks has put a cap on daily withdrawals from customers .

  25. 塞浦路斯之所以成为银行业中心,就是因为它是一个能确保大笔资金安然存放又毫不声张的地方。

    Cyprus became a banking hub because it set itself up as a place to park large amounts of cash quietly and safely .

  26. 总体而言,它会给塞浦路斯和欧洲的银行体系带来很多伤害。

    It will do a lot of damage to the banking system both in Cyprus and Europe in general .

  27. 欧洲央行也威胁将停止对该国受困银行发放紧急贷款援助。塞浦路斯的可可.SHAUN银行受到邻国希腊金融危机的严重打击。

    The European Central Bank had threatened to end emergency lending assistance for teetering Cypriot banks , which were hard hit by the financial crisis in neighboring Greece .