
  1. 第三部分评价了房产税试点方案并且提出了完善建议。

    The third part evaluates the house property tax pilot plan and put forward the improvement suggestions .

  2. 房产税试点、热点城市的限购令使房地产行业面临的资金压力剧增。

    The experiment of property tax and the limited purchase of the hot city make the real estate industry suffer lots of huge financial pressure .

  3. 其次对上海和重庆两地房产税试点的具体细则和两者区别所在进行了对比,突出了两地方案的各自亮点所在。

    Followed by Shanghai and Chongqing pilot property tax rules and where the differences between the two are compared , highlighting the two programs where each bright spot .

  4. 继上海、重庆房产税试点一年之后,房产税扩大试点已经势在必行,房产税试点和进一步的物业税改革问题正在成为学术研究的热点。

    Following Shanghai , Chongqing property tax pilot projects after one year , the property tax to expand the pilot projects has been imperative , property tax pilot projects and further reform of the property tax issue is becoming the hot topic of academic research .

  5. 第三部分是房产税改革试点的现状与问题。

    The third part is the present situation and problems of House property tax reform .

  6. 目前,是否扩大对个人开征房产税的试点范围有不少讨论。

    At present , whether on expanding our scope of pilot property tax is imposed on people , a lot of discussion .

  7. 上海市、重庆市政府于2011年初开始对个人住房征收房产税改革试点工作,受到社会普遍关注。

    Shanghai and Chongqing municipal government commenced the pilot of the reform on the individual housing property tax at the beginning of 2011 , which receives much concern of the society .

  8. 税收领域的法律问题一直备受各界人士的关注,随着2011年1月房产税改革试点的展开,该问题再一次掀起了学术热议高潮。

    The legal problems in the field of tax always have been highly concerned . With the carrying out of the trial of property tax reform in January , 2011 , the problems arose a fierce academic discussion once again .

  9. 与此同时,由于受到各种市场因素的影响,房地产市场发展处于不稳定状态,房价上涨幅度异常,房产税改革试点应时而出。

    At the same time , by a variety of market factors , the real estate market is in an unstable state , abnormal rise in property prices . The community is quite concerned about property tax reform there are increasing calls , response , out of property tax reform .

  10. 虽然域外国家和地区的房产税制度与我国现有房产税改革试点有着不同之处,但是其在房产税的具体税制方面有许多成功经验。

    Although foreign countries and regions of property tax system is different from the current property tax reform in our country , but foreign countries and regions of the specific tax system in property taxes have many successful experience .