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  1. 结论术前眼压、C值、房角检查为正确选择手术方式提供较为客观准确的参考标准。

    Conclusion Examination of IOP , C value and anterior chamber angle can provide Abstract and accurate standard for elective surgical procedure .

  2. Ⅴ级:ILBR>1/2,房角全部为W。

    Grade 5 , ILBR > 1 / 2 , the gonioscopy shows all wide angle .

  3. 对房角开放距离(angleopeningdistance,AOD)的测量是评估前房角的一个常用且有效的方法。

    The angle opening distance ( AOD ) measurement is a common and effective method for ACA assessment .

  4. 目的观察小梁切除术术中联合应用丝裂霉素C(mitomycinC,MMC)治疗外伤性房角退缩性青光眼的效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of trabeculectomy with intraoperative application of mitomycin C in patients with post-traumatic angle-recession glaucoma .

  5. 处理后,采用组织病理学观察兔眼前房角组织结构变化,免疫组化(SP法)及图像分析观察小梁外基质的变化。

    After the treatment , angle of anterior chamber was observed by histopathologic method , and trabecula matrix was analysized by immunohistochemistry and image analysis system .

  6. 结论PIG患儿的巩膜突与房角顶点相对位置的改变,提示巩膜突发育不良或虹膜附着点靠前,这是原发性婴幼儿型青光眼发病的病理基础。

    Conclusions The relative positional changes between scleral spur and angle apex in diseased eyes indicate that the poor development of scleral spur and the iris anterior insertion are the basic pathogenesis in PIG .

  7. UBM对于眼挫伤后低眼压尤其是伴有睫状体分离房角漏的病例的诊断和治疗均具有较高的参考价值。

    UBM can be of great value in the diagnosis and management of patients with posttraumatic ocular hypotony especially cyclodialysis cleft .

  8. 目的探讨青光眼白内障联合手术对合并白内障的原发性闭角型青光眼(primaryangle-closureglaucoma,PACG)的房角及其相关结构的影响。

    OBJECTIVE To study the effect of combined glaucoma and cataract surgery on anterior chamber angle and its related structure in the patients with primary angle-closure glaucoma ( PACG ) .

  9. 结论:ICE综合征的基本病变是角膜内皮层存在的ICE细胞,它们的过度增生导致房角粘连、虹膜萎缩、继发性青光眼和大泡性角膜病变。

    Conclusion : Literatures show that the basic lesion of ICE syndrome is ICE cell in the corneal endothelium , which can proliferate excessively , result to adhesion of , iridocorneal angle , atrophy of iris , glaucoma and decompensation of corneal endothelium .

  10. 方法小梁切除术联合术中应用MMC治疗外伤性房角退缩性青光眼22例(22眼)。结论小梁切除术联合MMC是治疗外伤性房角退缩性青光眼一种有效的方法。

    Methods The procedure was performed on 22 eyes ( 22 patients ) with post-traumatic angle-recession glaucoma . Conclusions Trabeculectomy with MMC may be useful in the management of post-traumatic angle-recession glaucoma .

  11. 周边虹膜成形术(LPI)应用氪黄绿激光在Abraham房角镜下行360°周边虹膜光凝,采用低功率、大光斑、长脉冲进行治疗。

    In laser peripheral iridoplasty ( LPI ) a ring of contraction burns was produced by using low power , large spot size and long duration laser spot on all 360 ?

  12. 目的观察和评价非穿透小梁手术(NPTS)后YAG激光房角穿孔术(LGP)的降眼压效果及并发症。

    Objective To observe and evaluate the intraocular pressure ( IOP ) lowering effect and complications of laser goniopuncture ( LGP ) after non-penetrating trabeculectomy ( NPTS ) .

  13. 目的:研究内路准分子激光小梁切开术(ExcimerLaserTrabeculotomyabinterno,ELT)术后眼部表现及房角组织病理改变,探讨ELT的降压机理。

    Objective : To study the clinical manifestation and histopathologic changes of trabeculum after excimer laser trabeculotomy ab interno ( ELT ), and investigate the mechanism of decreasing tension of ELT .

  14. 目的在光照和暗室条件下,通过超声生物显微镜(UBM)观察高褶虹膜综合征患者房角的变化情况。

    Objective To observe the anterior chamber angle changes of the patients with plateau iris syndrome under the dark or bright light condition by ultrasonic biomicroscopy ( UBM ) .

  15. 眼部表现多样如睑下垂、角膜混浊、房角异常、白内障、黄斑光反射消失、视乳头小、眼球震颤、外斜视、ERG异常,其中以白内障最多见;

    Various clinical appearances were noted such as ptosis , corneal opacities , chamber angle abnormalities , macular and optic disc hypoplasia , abnormal ERG etc. Among these , the cataracts were the most frequent .

  16. 此外,现有的OCT前房角成像方式一次只能从一个位置获取房角的二维(2-dimensional,2D)截面图像,无法像房角镜一样提供某个象限上全面的房角信息。

    Besides , the state-of-the-art current ACA OCT modalities only obtain a2-dimentional ( 2D ) cross section image at one location angle in a single scan . It can not provide a full range of angle in a quadrant as gonioscopy does .

  17. 本研究在于观察眼前段新生血管的发生情况,统计房角新生血管的发生比率,为今后临床上对缺血型CRVO患者应重视行前房角镜检查提供依据。

    Our study was to observe the occurrence of anterior segment NV and statistics the incidence of ANV , through which to provide theory evidence to pay sufficient attention to gonioscopy for ischemic CRVO patients .

  18. 方法:分析36例36只眼人工晶体术后继发青光眼患者视力、眼压、房角、人工晶体情况、青光眼类型、超声生物显微镜(UBM)检查及治疗情况。

    Methods : The visual acuity , intraocular pressure ( IOP ), anterior chamber angle , IOL position , types of glaucoma , image of ultrasound biomicroscopy ( UBM ) and therapeutic methods in 36 patients ( 36 eyes ) with secondary glaucoma were reviewed .

  19. 全部患者术后房角开放,中央前房平均加深1.1mm,周边前房平均加深0.2mm。

    The anterior chamber angles of all patients were open , the depth of central anterior chamber deepened average 1.1 mm , the depth of peripheral anterior chamber average 0.2 mm .

  20. 结果:1部分临床上诊断原发性闭角青光眼的患者行UBM检查显示睫状体囊肿的存在,睫状体前移,造成房角关闭,是继发青光眼范畴。

    Results : UBM show that a part of patients with the clinical diagnosis of primary closed-angle glaucoma display cysts in the ciliary body , antedisplacement of ciliary body , which cause the close of angle of anterior chamber , and should be classified in secondary glaucoma .

  21. 用Goldmann房角镜观察老年性白内障囊外摘除及后房型人工晶体植入术后半年30只眼,结果显示,虹膜周边前粘连17只眼(56%)。

    Months after senile extra-capsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens ( IOL ) implantation , Goldmann gonioscopy was performed on 30 eyes having undertaken the surgery . Peripheral anterior synechiae ( PAS ) were found in 17 eyes ( 56 % ) .

  22. 糖尿病性青光眼前房角组织的超微结构研究

    An ultrastructural study of anterior chamber angle tissue in diabetic glaucoma

  23. 人眼前房角发育的研究

    Studies on the Development of the Iridocorneal Angle in Human Eyes

  24. 应用超声生物显微镜与房角镜检查眼前房角结果的比较

    Comparison of results of chamber angle examination by ultrasound biomicroscopy and

  25. 挫伤性房角后退和房角退缩性青光眼的临床研究

    A survey of traumatic angle recession and traumatic angle recession glaucoma

  26. 外伤性房角退缩性青光眼小梁切除联合丝裂霉素治疗

    Trabeculectomy with mitomycin C in the treatment of post-traumatic angle-recession glaucoma

  27. 激光虹膜成形术治疗非瞳孔阻滞型房角关闭

    Efficacy of laser iridoplasty in non-pupillary blockage of angle closure

  28. 硅油进入前房对兔眼房角组织的影响

    Effect of silicone oil on anterior chamber angle tissues of rabbit eyes

  29. 房角漏范围从0.5到4个钟点,并呈现4种不同的形态。

    The extent of cyclodialysis cleft varied from 0.5 to 4 hours .

  30. 晶状体因素与急性闭角型青光眼房角关闭的关联性研究

    Correlation between lens and angle closure in acute angle-closure glaucoma