
  • 网络capital pool;fund pool;Pool of Funds;Cash Pooling;Cash pool
  1. 外汇储备增长放缓或下降将意味着,中国今年用于购买新美元资产的资金池“缩水”,但这并不一定意味着对美国国债的需求趋弱。

    Slower growth or a decline in reserves will mean China has a reduced pool of funds to buy new dollar assets this year but that does not necessarily mean weaker demand for US Treasuries .

  2. 银行资金池风险与柜员授权卡管理

    Bank Capital Pool and Management of Authorization Card

  3. 暗资金池允许投资者在交易所或另类交易平台中的公众订单委托簿记(publicorderbook)之外,匿名进行大宗股票交易。

    Dark pools allow the anonymous trading of large blocks of shares away from the " public order book " on an exchange or alternative trading platform .

  4. 西方基金经理正将饥渴的目光投向所谓的“主权财富基金”(swf)这是一个庞大且不断增长的资金池。

    Western fund managers are casting hungry glances toward the large and growing pools of capital known as sovereign wealth funds .

  5. 如果收购成功,两个交易所都可以突破它们富足但规模较小的国内市场,吸引以中国和日本以外的亚洲资金池为目标的首次公开发行(IPO)。

    If the bid succeeds , both exchanges could break out of their rich but small domestic markets to attract initial public offerings aimed at pools of Asian capital outside China and Japan .

  6. 研究还显示,这一趋势正在推动“暗资金池”(darkpools)的增长,交易员们对避开交易所执行大额买卖指令很有兴趣,寻求在特殊平台上执行此类交易。

    The research also shows how the trend is driving the growth of " dark pools " , with traders interested in executing large orders shunning exchanges and seeking to carry out such trades on specialist platforms .

  7. 咨询公司奥纬咨询(OliverWyman)香港合伙人SeoYoungLee表示,领先暗资金池来到亚洲,将会慢慢迫使该地区的交易所适应它们的存在。

    Seo Young Lee , a partner in the Hong Kong office of Oliver Wyman , a consultancy , said the arrival of leading dark pools in Asia would slowly force the region 's exchanges to accommodate their existence .

  8. 电子经纪商极讯(instinet)本周首次将其亚洲cbx“暗资金池”交易平台从日本扩展至香港股票,亚洲场外股票交易的竞争将因此升温。

    Competition for off-exchange Asian equities trading will hot up this week when Instinet , the electronic broker , expands its CBX Asia " dark pool " trading platform outside of Japan for the first time , to include Hong Kong shares .

  9. 这笔钱存放在一个一般政府资金池中。

    it is currently placed in a general government pot .

  10. 他补充指出:难创立的是流动资金池。

    He added : What 's hard to create is the liquidity pool .

  11. 于是罚款会进入一个一般预算资金池。

    There it vanishes into a general budget pot .

  12. 建立起全球人民币资金池对中国而言是一个挑战。

    Building up a global pool of Renminbi is proving a challenge for China .

  13. 首先,我们需要对所有依赖于杠杆的资金池进行监管。

    First , we need to regulate all pools of capital that rely on leverage .

  14. 每一个重大的国际资金池,都已将房地产风险从银行转移到该国股市。

    Every serious international capital pool has shifted property risk from banks to its stock market .

  15. 一些分析师表示,内地资金池的深度已经足够大,能够吸纳新股发行。

    Some analysts say the pool of domestic money is deep enough to absorb fresh equity .

  16. 这创建了一个达到1亿美元的资金池来配套其它的承诺。

    That created a pool of up to $ 100m to be used to match other pledges .

  17. 这个巨大的资金池有助于保护亚洲各国抵御金融风暴。

    This enormous pool has helped to protect Asian societies as they hunker down for the storm .

  18. 西方银行和对冲基金将亚洲(尤其是日本)当作一个具有魔力的资金池。

    Western banks and hedge funds used Asia , particularly Japan , as an enchanted pool of money .

  19. 与此类似,她的许多客户建立了跨越几代人的长期信托,专门作为子孙后代的教育资金池。

    Similarly , many of her clients have formed long-term generation skipping trusts exclusively as education funding pools for future generations .

  20. 科瓦茨表示:点心债券需求巨大,但相对于资金池而言,供给却非常小。

    You have huge demand for dim sum bonds but the supply is very small compared to the pool of renminbi .

  21. 不过,中投将资金池投入运作的速度越快,它就能够越早得到外管局的再次注资。

    But the quicker CIC gets that pool of capital to work , the sooner it can receive another injection from safe .

  22. 对冲基金及其它基金管理公司也喜欢暗资金池,因为它们可以匿名买卖大额股票。

    Hedge funds and other fund managers also like dark pools as they can buy and sell big chunks of shares anonymously .

  23. 但最起码,需要对罚款资金池的未来用途进行更公开的讨论;

    But at the very least , there needs to be more public debate about how this punishment pot will actually be used ;

  24. 它们可能是上市公司、并由分散的股东持股,它们本身成为了聘用人员管理的机构资金池。

    They are likely to be publicly traded and owned by diffuse shareholders , themselves pools of institutional money managed by hired hands .

  25. 这些暗资金池是传统证交所的一种替代机制,削减了证交所的大量费用和成本。

    These dark pools are an alternative mechanism to the traditional exchange , minus many of the fees and costs of an exchange .

  26. 这可能提供远大于国有银行迄今所能提供的巨大廉价资金池。

    This could provide a pool of cheap finance far larger than that which the state banks have been able to offer until now .

  27. 迄今为止,这两个资金池的过剩资本都是以美元计价的,并且对美元计价的债务有不知疲倦的需求。

    These two pools of excess capital are US dollar denominated and have had a virtually insatiable demand for US dollar denominated debt * until now .

  28. 通过收费,微信用户将不愿提现,此举将扩大沉淀资金池,投资利润颇丰的金融管理产品。

    Charging fees can discourage WeChat users from taking money out of their accounts , leaving Tencent with more funds to invest in lucrative wealth management products .

  29. 二十年前,这些资金池规模不算大,全球总规模不过1000亿美元,而每家公司通常只持有1亿美元左右的现金。

    Two decades ago , these cash pools were modest , totalling just $ 100bn across the globe , with individual companies typically holding just $ 100m , or so .

  30. 所有这些银行都在与主权财富基金紧锣密鼓地谈判。主权财富基金是全球最大的投资资金池,而中投是这一行列的最新成员。

    All those banks were engaged in intensive discussions with sovereign wealth funds , the world 's largest pools of investment capital – of which CIC was among the newest .