
  • 网络local government’s debts
  1. 地方政府性债务是特定历史时期的产物。

    Local government debt is the product of specific historical period .

  2. 地方政府性债务期待规范化、透明化管理

    The Security of Local Government Debt : Standardized and Transparent

  3. 四是继续加强地方政府性债务管理。

    Fourth , we will continue to strengthen management of local government debt .

  4. 伴随着经济快速发展,我国地方政府性债务规模日益扩大。

    Follows the economy to develop fast , our country Local authority debt scale expands day by day .

  5. 从理论上分析,地方政府性债务与地方政府治理绩效有一定的关系,并且从地方政府性债务视角出发对政府治理绩效的改善研究有其特殊性和独到的意义。

    In theory , the debt of local government and the performance of local government have a certain relationship .

  6. 加强地方政府性债务全面审计和地方政府融资平台管理,有效控制经济运行中的风险隐患。

    We strengthened comprehensive auditing of local governments ' debt and management of their financing platforms , thus effectively controlling latent economic risks .

  7. 特别是对国外在地方政府性债务管理和风险防范方面的先进经验进行了综述,分析了其对我国地方政府性债务管理和风险防范的借鉴意义。

    In particular , it reviews the advanced experience of foreign debt management and risk prevention in the local government , and analyses the reference significance of it .

  8. 公告称,要把控制和化解地方政府性债务风险作为经济工作的重要任务,严格政府举债程序。

    The statement called resolving local debt problems ' an important economic task , ' and said Beijing would ' strictly control the process by which governments ' raise debt . '

  9. 但就笔者参与地方政府性债务管理工作实践和前期研究结果来看,地方政府性债务管理的实际效果远非预期那么理想。

    But in the view of the local government debt management practice and the pre-study results , local government debt management is far from the actual results of the ideal as expected .

  10. 地方政府性债务科学化管理体系由科学的管理理论、健全的运行机制、完善的规章制度、先进的现代科技、高效的组织机构以及精干的人才队伍等六个要素构成。

    The management system consists of six factors : a scientific management theory , a sound operation mechanism , complete rules and regulations , advanced science and technology , a highly-efficient organization and high-quality working staff .

  11. 当前,世界上大多数国家的财政制度都实施分级管理,地方政府性债务管理作为其中的主要内容之一,引起了世界各地以及国内社会的高度关注。

    Currently , the financial system all around world are implementing hierarchical management method , as one of the main contents , local government debt management causes great concern all over the world as well as in domestic society .

  12. 在此基础上,重点对我国地方政府性债务的风险状况进行了分析和评价,深入分析了地方政府性债务产生的原因,阐明了地方政府性债务的形成机理。

    On this basis , it focuses on the analysis and evaluation of the risk profile of local government debt . On the basis of this , it analyses the causes of local government debt , explains the formation mechanism of the local government debts .

  13. 2011年2月13日,国务院办公厅下发《关于做好地方政府性债务审计工作的通知》,提出摸清规模,分清类型,分析结构,揭示问题,查找原因,提出建议的24字工作思路。

    On the February 13th.in 2011 , the office of the State Council issued the audit work policy of managing the local governments debts , put forward the 24 words working ideas of figuring out the scale , types , structure , reasons , suggestion .

  14. 而倘若发生地方政府性债务风险,将会对经济社会产生十分严重的影响,将会严重制约地方经济的可持续发展,成为社会不稳定的因素,严重影响和谐社会的构建。

    However , if the local governmental debt risk occurs , it will cause severe influence on economic and social production , and seriously restrict the sustainable development of local economy , which will become the unstable factors of the society , seriously influencing the building of the harmonious society .

  15. 建立规范的地方政府举债融资机制,把地方政府性债务纳入预算管理,推行政府综合财务报告制度,防范和化解债务风险。

    We will establish a standard financing mechanism for local governments to issue bonds and place local government debt under budgetary management . We will implement a comprehensive government financial reporting system and guard against and defuse debt risks .

  16. 我国《预算法》明确规定地方政府不列赤字不得举债,但事实上地方政府性债务确是长期存在的。

    In our country , the " budget law " explicitly prescribe the local governments cannot have deficit and debt , but in fact local government debt exist indeed .

  17. 推进地方政府债务科学化管理要从这六个要素入手,切实加强债务管理各项基础工作。三是加强顶层设计,创建有利于地方政府性债务科学化管理的外部环境。

    Promoting scientific management of local government debt should start with the six factors to enhance each elementary task of debt management . Third , strengthening top-level design and creating a favorable external environment for scientific management of local government debt .