
dì fɑnɡ ɡè jí rén mín fǎ yuàn
  • Local people's courts at various levels;local People's Courts at different levels
  1. 地方各级人民法院设法医。

    Local people 's courts at various levels have forensic physicians .

  2. 各级行政法院只接受上级行政法院的业务指导,完全独立于地方各级人民法院和地方各级权力机关。

    Administrative Court only accepts higher levels of operational guidance , completely independent of the local courts and local authority .

  3. 由于现行体制对地方各级人民法院因地制宜自定规则的宽容甚至鼓励,加之各地客观情况的差异,基层法院诉讼规则呈现广泛的“地方化”现象。

    Due to the toleration and the encouragement of the current system , local courts are used to setting procedural rules to local conditions , which results in indigenization of procedural rules .

  4. 当前的刑诉法典规定,公诉案件的被害人不享有上诉权,其不服地方各级人民法院第一审的判决,只能请求人民检察院抗诉。

    In our country , the present criminal Law determines the litigants and the victims main body status in the public prosecution case , but it does not endow them with appeal right .