
  • 网络Aditio hereditatis
  1. 没有表示的,视为接受继承。受遗赠人应当在知道受遗赠后两个月内,作出接受或者放弃受遗赠的表示。到期没有表示的,视为放弃受遗赠。

    In the absence of such an indication , he is deemed to have accepted the inheritance . A legatee should , within two months from the time he learns of the legacy the legacy .

  2. 没有表示的,视为接受继承。

    In the absence of such an indication , he is deemed to have accepted the inheritance .

  3. 文化品质是指一个人接受继承人类文明成果的广度和深度。

    The quality of culture refers to the scale and scope of a person inheriting the fruits of human civilization .

  4. 在现代继承法律制度中,继承人有权选择是否接受继承,以及接受什么类型的继承。

    Under legal rules of succession in modern society , the inheritor can decide to accept or disclaim succession , and has the right to choose different types of succession .

  5. LadyBritomart建议Stephen接受他的继承权,然后雇个经理来管理事业。

    Lady Britomart advises Stephen to accept his inheritance and then hire a manager to run it .

  6. 朝鲜的李退溪不仅全面接受、继承和发展了程朱“主敬”之说,而且以“敬”来构筑了自己的哲学理论体系。

    Yi Hwang in Korea not only inherited and developed the ideology of respectfulness but also made his philosophy into a system based on the i.

  7. 人力资源会计作为一种新型会计理论,在接受与继承传统会计基本假设的同时,又扩展其了内涵与外延,给予了重新界定和修正。

    Human resources accounting as the theory of a new type of accounting , while accepting and inheriting the basic assumption of traditional accounting , develops its extension and connotation , so it must be revised and redefined from the traditional one .

  8. 我国大陆、香港、澳门和台湾四法域有关继承人接受与放弃继承的期限、方式和效力的法律规定存在一定差异。

    There are some differences in relation to time limit , manner and effect of acceptance and disclaimation of succession among four jurisdictions of Chinese mainland , Hongkong , Macau and Taiwan .

  9. 我国四法域接受与放弃继承制度比较研究一国两制三法系四法域语境下中国死刑废止前景展望

    A Comparative Study on the Acceptance and Disclaimation of Succession Rules among Four Chinese Jurisdictions ; Analysis About The Prospect For Death Penalty Abolishment Under One Country Two Systems , Three Legal Systems & Four Scopes Of Law

  10. 斯蒂芬接受亨利为他的继承人。

    Stephen acknowledged Henry as his heir .