
  • 网络reception study;reception research;Rezeptionsforschulung
  1. 第一部分:绪论。谢灵运接受研究史回顾、接受理论的介绍和南朝谢灵运接受研究的意义、价值。

    The thesis is composed of three parts : Part One is the general introduction concerning with the literature review on Xie 's reception studies , the reception theory and the value of this study .

  2. 接受美学理论有两大研究方向&接受研究和效应研究。

    There are two research orientations in Reception Aesthetics Theory & Reception Research and Effect Research .

  3. 目前RFID手机支付研究领域中重点关注了信息安全和实现技术研究,而相应的采纳与接受研究却比较匮乏。

    At present , the researches on RFID mobile payment focus on the information security and technology application rather than user adoption and acceptance .

  4. 现在,这些接受研究的孩子们已是30多岁的成年人了。

    The children of the study are now adults in their 30s .

  5. 英格玛·伯格曼:从叛逆到偶像&一个观众接受研究(英文)

    Ingmar Bergman : From Rebel to Icon & A Reception Study ;

  6. 这是2000年接受研究的2200人。

    It 's 2,200 people in the year 2000 .

  7. 在非洲接受研究的疫苗应征者没有人能够等到那个时候。

    None of the vaccine candidates being studied in Africa have gotten that far .

  8. 在接受研究的村庄中,大多数儿童营养不良,只有少数儿童营养良好。

    In the village under study , most children were malnourished , except a handful .

  9. 主体由三个部分构成:汉语典故词语本体研究、汉语典故词语应用研究和汉语典故词语接受研究。

    Main body consists of three parts : noumenon study , application study and acceptance study .

  10. 一旦接受研究,则执行研究。

    Implement the study once accepted .

  11. 斯蒂芬·米切尔《道德经》英译本读者接受研究

    A Research on Readers ' Reception of Stephen Mitchell 's English Translation of Dao De Jing

  12. 当我们找到了工作以后,如果可能得话,我们也可以接受研究生教育。

    After we seek an employment , if it possible , we also can receive a graduate study .

  13. 接受研究的患者都有两年的烟龄,每天至少吸食五支烟的烟史。

    The patients in the study had all smoked at least five cigarettes a day for two years .

  14. 科学家们发现,食用一种食盐代用品能显著降低接受研究的600名中国消费者的血压。

    The researchers found that eating a salt substitute significantly reduced blood pressure in a study of600 Chinese consumers .

  15. 在20世纪以前的整个西方文论基本忽略对读者接受研究的情况下,他的这一理论开启了西方文论中读者研究的先声。

    His theory takes an initiative to study readers when readers ' acceptance research was neglected before 20th century .

  16. 据说接受研究的人中寿命最长的人是那些每月吃巧克力1到3次的人。

    It says that the longest men were those who ate chocolate between once and three times a month .

  17. 本文认为当代比较文学中的影响研究已内在地包含了接受研究,将接受影响的民族文学的主体性纳入了影响研究之中。

    The re explored modern influence study has embodied reception study , which takes the subjectivity of national literature into good consideration .

  18. 文学的阅读是一种信息传播活动,文学的接受研究是一种传播效果研究。

    Reading literature is a kind of informational communication , and the study of literary acceptance is also a kind of studying of communicational effect .

  19. 在信息技术接受研究方面,有很多的研究模型,每一个模型都有不同的对接受的决定因素。

    In the research on the acceptance of information technology , there are many research models . Every model has different determinant factors of acceptance .

  20. 对接受研究的超过650家企业而言,答案是肯定的,他们会分享这些财富。

    Among the more than 650 workplaces included in our study the answer is yes , they are sharing the wealth , ' she said .

  21. 有关李混对陶渊明文学的接受研究在中韩比较文学研究中具有重要意义。

    Concerned Li Huang accepts the research to Tao Yuanming literature to have the important meaning in the China and South Korea comparative literature research .

  22. 授受合一:思想政治教育中的灌输与接受研究日语授受关系的动词用法很复杂。

    Inculcation and Reception Merging : The Research of Inculcation and Reception in the Ideological and Political Education The verb of the Japanese given relation is very complicated .

  23. 文中指出这个群体角色定位态度的主要特点是:1.倾向于把接受研究生教育作为一种求职途径;

    This paper presents the characteristics of the female graduates ' attitudes toward role positioning as following : inclining to take graduate education as a method of job seeking ;

  24. 艾森伯格及同事经计算得出,接受研究的村民服用的抗生素越多,就越有可能将具有耐药性的大肠杆菌传播给近围的邻居。

    The more antibiotics villagers in this study took , Eisenberg and colleagues calculated , the more likely they were to transfer the resistant E.coli to their close neighbors .

  25. 在一个接受研究的航班上,一名乘客将其携带的某种病毒株传染到了与其相隔七排座位之远的另一名乘客身上,而紧邻该患病乘客而坐的几位乘客却没被染上这种病毒。

    On one flight studied , one passenger spread a particular strain to someone seated seven rows away , while people seated next to the ill passenger didn 't contract the disease .

  26. 许多向世卫组织提供咨询意见的专家与产业界有关联,从接受研究资助,到提供有偿咨询,到参与由产业界赞助的会议不等。

    Many experts who advise WHO have ties with industry , and these ties can range from funding to conduct research , to paid consultancies , to participation in conferences sponsored by industry .

  27. 即使是那些有金钱刺激的受测试者在研究结束(金钱刺激阶段结束)后体重也有所反弹,但还是要比他们刚接受研究测试时要轻。

    Even the financially motivated groups regained some weight in follow up , after the active study was completed ( the money phase was done ), but weighed less than when they started .

  28. 虽然清初批评家也持史家的视角对庾信进行研究,但非清代庾信接受研究的主流。

    Although , the critics at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty hold the historical eyes to study Yu Xin , but this method was not the mainstream of the study of Yu Xin .

  29. 这一时期的许筠诗歌批评涉及到了唐、、诗以及朝鲜历代诗歌。日本江户汉诗对明代诗歌的接受研究

    Ho Kyun 's poetic criticism involves Korean poetry as well as Chinese poetry in the Tang , Song and Ming dynasties . On the Acceptance of Ming Dynasty Poetry by Chinese Poetry in the Edo Period

  30. 科学部正列出计划参数,接受研究人员的投标,希望明年春天可以开始。

    The ministry is now outlining the parameters ( 12 ) of the project and will accept bids ( 13 ) from researchers with an eye toward ( 14 ) starting the program by next spring .