
  • 网络Conservation biology;biological conservation
  1. 揭示了一般流动表面模型的点和线的特征与景观生态学和保护生物学中的景观结构之间的关系,证实了生态过程动态与趋势中某些门槛值的存在以及应用这些门槛值定义SP的可能性。

    It demonstrates the relationship between the spatial properties of a general surface model discussed in theoretical geography and the landscape representation model used in landscape ecology and conservation biology .

  2. Metapopulation是种群生态学、景观生态学和保护生物学诸领域中的一个重要概念。

    Metapopulation is an important concept in several ecological fields , including population ecology , landscape ecology , and conservation biology .

  3. 黑琴鸡(Lyrurustetrix)生物学研究进展(Ⅱ)&繁殖生态学与保护生物学研究

    Progress of Black Grouse ( Lyrurus tetrix ) Biology (ⅱ) Breeding Ecology and Conservation Biology

  4. 本文从两个方面论述了mtDNA在动物保护生物学中的应用:一是对物种进行遗传多样性的检测与管理,二是进行与种群统计学数据相关的遗传分析。

    In this review , we discuss two applications of mtDNA analysis in zoological conservation biology . One is to describe and manage genetic diversity , an issue more relevant to long term planning for conservation .

  5. 这是保护生物学本质的网页。

    This is the web page of Essentials of Conservation Biology .

  6. 保护生物学在我国自然保护区生态旅游中的应用

    Application of Conservation Biology to Ecotourism of Nature Reserves in China

  7. 圈养繁殖在大熊猫保护生物学中的作用

    Role of captive breeding in giant panda 's conservation biology

  8. 中国保护生物学研究现状的文献计量学分析

    Bibliometric analysis of status quo of conservation biology in China

  9. 濒危植物保护生物学技术研究进展

    Research Progress on Techniques of Conservation Biology of Endangered Plants

  10. 抗癌植物南方红豆杉保护生物学价值的评价

    Importance and Exigency on Study of Protection Biology of Anticancer Plant Taxus mairei

  11. 保护生物学研究进展及其与可持续发展的关系

    Advance of Conservation Biology and the Relationship between Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development

  12. 他们的研究结果将发表在即将出版的一期《环境保护生物学》上。

    They will publish their results in a forthcoming issue of conservation biology .

  13. 请听来自保护生物学课堂的一段录音。

    Listen to a part of a lecture in a conservation biology class .

  14. 中华鲟的保护生物学研究进展

    Progress in the conservation biology of Chinese sturgeon

  15. 保护生物学一新分支学科&保护遗传学

    New branch of conservation biology : conservation genetics

  16. 长江江豚保护生物学研究进展

    Progress on conservation biology of Yangtze finless porpoise

  17. 指示种、伞护种与旗舰种:有关概念及其在保护生物学中的应用

    Indicator , umbrella and flagship species : the concepts and their applications in conservation biology

  18. 物种濒危机制是保护生物学所要解决的核心问题之一。

    Endangering mechanism of species is one of the key problems that conservation biology should solve .

  19. 公园的总裁迈克尔克劳色称他为保护生物学之父。

    The zoo 's president , Michael Crowther , called him , the father of conservation biology .

  20. 保护生物学概要

    A survey of conservation biology

  21. 在这种情况下,保护生物学就应运而生,并成为人们所关注的焦点。

    In this case , conservation biology came into being , and become the focus of attention .

  22. 川金丝猴遗传多样性的蛋白电泳及其保护生物学意义

    Low genetic diversity in Sichuan snub nosed monkey revealed by protein electrophoresis and its significance to conservation biology

  23. 保护生物学研究进展

    Advance of conservation Biology

  24. 当前保护生物学研究的一个热点问题是物种濒危及灭绝机制的研究。

    The key research field of conservation biology is to study the mechanisms of species endangering and extinct .

  25. 迄今为止,对该地区哺乳动物物种多样性及其保护生物学尚乏系统的研究。

    So far , there is unavailable systematic study to its diversity of mammalian species and conservation biology .

  26. 保护生物学是一门年轻的综合性学科,其目的是研究生物多样性保护的方法和途径.在人类面临世界物种与生境大灭绝的背景下的今天,保护生物学显得尤其重要。

    Conservation biology is a young integrated science whose purpose is to study the methods and means of biodiversity conservation .

  27. 把保护生物学的概念引入到药用植物的保护实践中,并丰富了保护生物学的研究范围和内容。

    We introduce the concept of the Conservation Biology into the medicinal plant protection practice , and enrich its content .

  28. 保护生物学在形成和发展过程中,相继产生了岛屿生物地理学、最小存活种群和集合种群三个重要理论。

    The theory of island biogeography , minimum viable population and metapopulation came into being successively during the development of conservation biology .

  29. 因此对八角莲进行保护生物学、组培技术和栽培技术的研究是八角莲持续开发和利用的关键。

    Therefore , studies on the conservation biology , tissue culture and cultivated technology were the key points of its further exploitation and utilization .

  30. 濒危名贵哲罗鱼保护生物学的研究Ⅲ.哲罗鱼的资源评价及濒危原因

    Study on the protective biology of precious hucho trout being in critically ill ⅲ resources evaluation of hucho trout and its reason of rare population