
  • 网络Protect the king
  1. 骑士们冲向宫殿去保护国王。

    The knights rushed into the palace to protect their king .

  2. 很高兴有您在保护国王.

    About glad to see you 're protecting the throne .

  3. 为了保护国王,穆斯林团体提供了卓越的弓箭手。

    Valuing the protection of the King , the Muslim community provides the army with excellent archers .

  4. 亚述人的艺术也与有翼的圆盘连结,象征着神和神保护国王和人民。

    Assyrian art also associates the winged disc with divinity and divine protection of the king and people .

  5. 担任御林铁卫队长.那个人玷污了自己的宝剑杀死了他宣誓要保护的国王!

    as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard . The man who profaned his blade with the blood of the King he had sworn to defend !

  6. 他们被战争和掠夺弄得破产,不得不去乞求新贵或教会的保护,因为国王的权力太弱了,已不能保护他们;

    Plundered , and ruined by wars , they had been forced to put themselves under the protection of the new nobles or of the church , the crown being too weak to protect them .