
  • 网络Current protection status
  1. WIN95系统保护现状及探讨

    A Discussion of the Current State of Windows 95 Conservation

  2. 云南省小熊猫(Ailurusfulgens)资源分布及保护现状

    The Current Distribution , Population and Conservation Status of Ailurus fulgens in Yunnan

  3. 山东电网110kV~220kV变压器中性点保护现状、问题及分析

    The analysis on the status quo and problem of the neutral protection of 110 ~ 220kV transformer in Shandong power network

  4. 通过对220kV及以上电力系统主网远后备保护现状的分析研究,结合目前国内继电保护技术的水平,对主网实现远后备的必要性和可行性进行了分析探讨。

    This paper presents the necessity and feasibility study on the realization of remote back-up protection through the analysis and research on the present situation of remote back-up protection in the main network of 220 kV and above , in consideration of the present relay protection technological level in China .

  5. 山西继电保护现状和存在的问题

    The Operating Situation of Protective Relay and it 's Existing Problem

  6. 泉州湾河口湿地保护现状及发展对策

    Current Protective Situations and Development Countermeasures of Quanzhou Bay Estuarine Wetland

  7. 浅论野生东北虎的保护现状及保护措施

    Study on the Significance and Measures to Protect Wild Manchurian Tiger

  8. 森林遗传资源保护现状及技术问题

    State of Protection of the Forest Genetical Resources and the Technical Problems

  9. 西双版纳热带雨林的价值、保护现状及其对策

    Strategy , protective status and value of tropical rain forestry in Xishuangbanna

  10. 我国服装外观设计专利保护现状分析

    Analysis the Protection of Design Patent of Clothing in China

  11. 湖南古树名木资源及保护现状

    The resources of famous aged-tree and its protection status in Hunan Province

  12. 稀有濒危常用中药材保护现状评述

    Comments on conservation status of rare and endangered traditional Chinese medicine species

  13. 国际生物多样性保护现状与对策

    Status and Outlook for Protection of the World Biological Diversity

  14. 中国野生动物与栖息地保护现状及发展趋势

    The Status and Development Trends of Wildlife and Habitat Conservation in China

  15. 我国重要珍稀濒危物种与类群的地理分布格局及保护现状评价

    Geo-distribution Pattern and Protection Status Assessment for the Key Species of China

  16. 浅议南通市海洋环境保护现状及对策

    Discussion on status and measurement of marine environment in Nantong

  17. 第四部分探讨了网络虚拟财产的民事法律保护现状。

    Part IV discusses the virtual property legal protection of civil status .

  18. 2农作物遗传资源的保存保护现状;

    The current statues of crop genetic resources in conservation .

  19. 中国医药知识产权保护现状分析

    A Study on the Present Protection Situation of Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property in China

  20. 麻城市生态环境保护现状原因及对策

    The Causes and Countermeasures of the Environmental Protection at Present in Macheng city

  21. 三是我国表演者权的保护现状。

    Three is the actuality of protection of performers ' rights in China .

  22. 大连市小城镇环境保护现状及对策

    On the Status and Countermeasures for Environmental Protection of Satellite towns Around DaLian

  23. 中国商标权保护现状不容乐观。

    The situation of the trademark privilege protection in China is not optimistic .

  24. 佛山市基本农田保护现状与策略研究

    A study of basic farmland preservation and protection strategy

  25. 滇西北地区生物多样性保护现状与对策

    Status and Solutions of Biodiversity Protection in Northwest Yunnan

  26. 河南民间文化保护现状与产业化开发

    The Present Situation of Folk Culture Protection and Industrialization Development in Henan Province

  27. 第三章我国网络隐私权保护现状及评析。

    Chapter three : Internet privacy protection status and comments of our country .

  28. 煤炭资源与环境保护现状及开采价值评估

    Existing status in protection of coal resource and environment and evaluation of exploitation valuableness

  29. 中国苏铁属植物保护现状与展望

    Protection Status and Perspective of Cycas in China

  30. 浙江农业科研单位知识产权保护现状与对策建议

    Present Situation and Countermeasures of Intellectual Property Protection for Agricultural Research Institutions in Zhejiang