
zhǒnɡ qún dà xiǎo
  • population size
  1. 中国分布北界的山茶(Camelliajaponica)种群大小结构和空间格局分析

    Study on Camellia japonica population size structure and spatial pattern

  2. 估计出平均有效种群大小,作为所有世代Ne的调和平均值。

    The mean effective population size could be estimated as a harmonic means of the Ne .

  3. 对各样方的种群大小与大小级进行相关分析和函数拟合,各样方及整个种群的大小结构相关性不甚显著,而Q1和Q3的相关性较密切。

    Second , the population size structure of D. hupeana in the quadrats have no significant correlation , while Q1 and Q3 have closer correlation with studying of correlation and imitating functions .

  4. IFAT阳性率不但受微小按蚊种群大小的影响,而且受其年活动时间和人暴露给它叮咬程度的影响。

    Not only the size of An . minimus population affected IFAT positive rates , but also the length of its annual activity time and the degree of human exposure to its bite too .

  5. 在性能的评估中考虑染色体长度、种群大小、数据集大小以及运算代数四个影响因素,结果表明了GRCM方法的优越性能。

    Four influencing factors , chromosome length , population size , set size and generation , are considered to evaluate the efficiency of GRCM method . The result shows that GRCM method has an excellent performance .

  6. 种群大小级结构、存活曲线、高度级结构进行研究,探讨了该地区榉树种群的结构。

    The structure includes size class and height class .

  7. 遗传算法求解精度与种群大小的函数关系

    Function of Genetic Algorithms Solution Precision to Population Size

  8. 种群大小级结构在一定程度上反映了种群的干扰历史;

    The size class reflected the past disturbance history of population at a certain extent .

  9. 上述结果有助于解释淡水环境中噬藻体种群大小的季节性波动。

    The results were useful for explaining the seasonal change in cyanophage population in freshwater .

  10. 从可测性研究中,我们得到了问题的维数和种群大小的关系。

    And we gain some relations between problem dimensions and swam size according to scalability study .

  11. 因为除了生物掠夺关系,还有其他影响种群大小的变数。

    Because in addition to predator-prey relationships , there are other variables that affect population size .

  12. 以随机环境分枝过程模拟鸟类繁衍过程中种群大小的演变。

    In this paper the evolution of bird populations is simulated as a branching process in random environments .

  13. 另外,从种群大小对搜索结果影响的研究中,我们观察到随着种群数的增加搜索到的结果将变得越来越好。

    In addition , we observe the results can become better with swarm size increasing from the sensitivity study to swarm size .

  14. 如食物供给、捕食和疾病因素可以影响种群大小,而且年年或每季都有变化。

    Factors such food supply , predation and disease affect population size , and can change from year to year or season to season .

  15. 模拟分析了繁殖群体大小、繁殖偏倚和占群优势雄性数目对麋鹿的有效种群大小的影响。

    We simulated the impacts of breeding herd size , reproductive skew and numbers of breeding stags on the inbreeding coefficient of P è re David 's deer .

  16. 本文用种群大小结构代替年龄结构研究了沙地云杉种群的大小结构、分布格局和动态规律。

    The size structure and distribution pattern of Picea mongolica population on sand dune and their rerlationship to eco-environment are studied by size structure in place of age structure .

  17. 岛屿上苦槠种群大小从4个到4000多个不等,种群个体数量与岛屿面积和海拔显著相关。

    Number of individuals on islands , with a range from 4 to more than 4000 , was significantly related with the area or altitude of islands . 2 .

  18. 通过捕捉进出池塘的1612只个体,获得种群大小、结构、生长率、性成熟时的大小和年龄、死亡率及寿命资料。

    I captured frogs entering and leaving the pond to characterise population size and structure , growth rates , size and age at sexual maturity , mortality rates and longevity .

  19. 对于这些资源利用的格局是通过对存在于三种类型植被中蝗虫种的生态位宽度、资源利用的分化和重叠以及每种蝗虫的种群大小来分析的。

    Pattern of use for these resources was analyzed from three vegetation types by examining species-specific niche breadths , overlaps and partitions of resource utilization as well as population sizes .

  20. 噬菌体在微生物种群大小和群落结构的调节、营养物质循环等方面起着重要的作用,这在物种多样性较少、食物链较短的低温环境中更为显著。

    Phages play important roles in the regulation of microbial population , community structure , nutrient cycling , etc. This is more significant in cold environment with less biodiversity and truncated food chain .

  21. 集合种群大小在时滞的崭新效应和等权重效应下达到一固定值,而在首位效应下达到统计稳定,表明首位效应的影响最显著;

    Metapopulation size can reach a fixed level in the recency effect and equal weighting of time lag but is statistical stability in primacy effect , which implies the primacy effect is most remarkable .

  22. 并对它们的种类组成、区系、分布、种群大小及栖息环境进行了分析,叙述了优势种的经济价值及利用前景。

    Species are first recorded in Hunan Province . The species composition , faunal , distribution , population size and ecological environment are analyzed . The economic value and exploiting prospect of the dominant species are discussed .

  23. 蚯蚓活动及其在生态系统中的功能受蚯蚓生态类群、种群大小、植被、母岩、气候、时间尺度以及土地利用历史的综合控制。

    Earthworm activities and their functions in ecosystem are determined by various factors such as ecological groups of earthworms , population size , vegetation , parent materials of soil , climate , time scale , and history of soil utilization .

  24. 引入了自适应算子并提出了能自动跳出局部最优解二级搜索,能够动态确定种群大小,具有很强的全局和局部搜索能力。

    In this dissertation I bring adoptive arithmetic operators , and bring forward second step search which can jump out the local best result automatically . The algorithm converges quickly , and has satisfactory capabilities of global and local search .

  25. 结果表明,种群大小结构为进展型,幼苗、幼树的后备资源储备量大,约954株/hm2;

    Through the dynamic analysis of Abies fargesii population structure and distribution pattern , the results showed that : the diameter structure was developing and the resources of little and young trees were great , about 954 plants / hm 2 ;

  26. 各种群的平均种子质量与种群大小及土壤条件均无关,说明种群平均种子质量是一个较为稳定的不易受影响的参数。

    The average seed mass of 7 populations are not copiously correlated both with their population size and with soil parameters in the habitats , which indicates that the average seed weight of a studied population is relatively stable and less influenced .

  27. 群体感应(QuorumSensing,QS,又称阈值敏感)是细菌根据种群密度大小进行细胞内或细胞间信息交流,协调群体行为并调控基因表达的一种方式。

    Quorum sensing is the regulation of gene expression in response to fluctuations in cell-population density and allows populations of bacteria to synchronize group behaviors .

  28. 不同演替阶段中黧蒴栲种群的大小结构与分布格局

    Size class and distribution pattern of Castanopsis fissa population in different successional stages

  29. 种群的大小是根据种群实际生物量所含热能值来确定的。

    Population sizes were determined by the calorific values of their realized population biomass .

  30. 四川大头茶地理种群种子大小变异及对萌发、幼苗特征的影响

    The variation of seed sizes of Gordonia acuminata geographic populations and its effect on seed germination and seedling