
  • 网络planting density;Plant density;plant population
  1. 种植密度和降水对冬小麦田N2O排放的影响

    Influence of Planting Density and Precipitation on N_2O Emission from a Winter Wheat Field

  2. 综合考虑块根产量与活性成分量两个方面,处理C为最佳种植密度。

    According to the dry weight of root tuber and effective components content , treatment C is the best planting density .

  3. 种植密度和EDTA对短季棉产量和生理生化特性的影响

    Effects of plant density and EDTA on physico-biochemical characteristics and yield of short-season cotton

  4. 不同种植密度下大豆产量性状的QTL分析

    Mapping QTLs associated with yield and yield components under different growing density in soybean RIL population

  5. 种植密度和EDTA对短季棉活性氧代谢及铃重的影响

    Effect of Plant Density and EDTA on the Metabolism of Active Oxygen and Boll Weight of Short-season Cotton

  6. 采用正交试验设计方法进行了品种(A)、穴粒数(B)及种植密度(C)三因素正交试验,同时进行品种加工属性研究。

    The 3 factors ( variety , seeds per bunch , planting density ) of orthorhombic test varieties for processing were conduced by using orthogonal test design experiment and processing attribute was also studied .

  7. 结果表明,不论是否达到显著水平,树皮厚度、树皮基部横截面积和树皮体积均受到CO2升高的促进作用,但是受到种植密度升高的负作用。

    The results showed that most traits of stem bark were benefited from elevated CO2 and reduced with the increase of plant density , whether statistically significant or not .

  8. 种植密度间SD和SD×SL差异显著,但SL无差异。

    Between two planting densities , the differences of SD and SD × SL were significant , but the one of SL was not .

  9. 种植密度对葛薯产量和商品合格率有很大影响,以每hm2栽4500~6000株的产量和商品合格率最高。

    The output and qualified commodity rate of Kudzu planted with 4.5 to 6 thousand per hm ~ 2 are the highest .

  10. 种植密度为6000~12000株hm2,宽行窄株种植;

    The panting density should be 6,000 ~ 12,000 plants / hm 2 with the wide row space and narrow plant space ;

  11. 棉花不同生长时期,叶片蛋白的检测运用ELISA法,对不同时期不同种植密度的叶片总蛋白和Bt蛋白进行测定。

    There are mainly three parts in this study : First , The total protein and the Bt protein of the cotton were determined by using method of ELISA .

  12. 总之,升高CO2浓度有利于降低增加种植密度对苗冠所带来的负效应,而增加种植密度降低了升高CO2浓度的正效应。

    In conclusion , elevated plant density could reduce the positive effect of elevated CO2 and the addition of elevated CO2 might alleviate the negative effect of elevated plant density on crown features .

  13. 油菜的每角粒数随种植密度的增加而逐渐减少,随角果的增大呈先增后减的变化趋势,随施N量的增加而变化较小;

    Seed number per pod of oilseed rape decreased as the increasing of planting density , increased first and then decreased as the increasing of pod length or area , and was affected very little under different N fertilizer application .

  14. 不同种植密度的植株叶片总蛋白含量差异不大:Bt蛋白含量动态变化和总蛋白变化一致。

    There is no statistic difference of total protein content between groups of different growth density ; the dynamic of BT protein content was coincident with that of total protein content .

  15. 采用裂区设计,研究了种植密度和EDTA对短季棉活性氧代谢和铃重的影响。

    The experiment was conducted with the split plot design to study the effects of plant density and EDTA on the metabolism of active oxygen and boll weight of short-season cotton .

  16. 种植密度以75000株/hm2为宜,花中叶黄素含量以开花后12d最高。并总结了万寿菊种植配套技术。

    Cultivation density : 75 000 / hm2 , xanthophylls content top-ped 12 days after flowering .

  17. 在稀播条件下,杂交棉种植密度降在10.5万株·hm-2时,效益最高,达到节本增产增效的目的。

    At low density sowing conditions , hybrid cotton planting density 105000 plant · hm-2 , achieved the purpose of increasing production and efficiency .

  18. 结果以选用4~24h贴壁的有核细胞,加入5%~10%胎牛血清、种植密度(4~8)×104个/ml的培养条件为最适宜细胞生长;

    Results The best culture condition in vitro for growth was 4-24 hours adherent time , 5 % - 10 % fetal bovine serum , ( 4-8 )× 10 4 / ml cell density .

  19. 结果表明,不同种植密度下株高、叶龄、LAI和干物质积累均存在差异,且产量受种植密度影响较大。

    The results indicated that plant height , leaf age , LAI and accumulation of dried matter existed difference under different sowing density , especially sowing densities had the great effects on yield .

  20. 种植密度对SGo的发生无显著影响,但稀植对SGi的发生有极显著的促进作用。

    Planting density had no more effects upon SGo , but the occurence of SGi was promoted by planting too far apart .

  21. 研究了高(HD)、低(LD)两个种植密度下红桦幼苗的树皮和去皮树干特征对CO2升高的响应。

    The response of wood / bark properties of red birch seedlings to elevated CO2 ( EC ) under low ( LD ) and high density ( HD ) were investigated in closed top fumigation chambers ( CTC ) .

  22. 这与Reid类群×四平头种质过度利用,加之田间种植密度过大,通风透光差,田间隐蔽有极大的关系。

    This has great relationship with overuse of germplasm with blood of Reid × Sipingtou , high field planting density , poor ventilation , poor light transmission , heavy field hidden .

  23. 结论MSCs具有体外多分化潜能,老龄供体骨髓中MSCs的生长、增殖特性受不同换液时间、不同血清浓度及不同种植密度等因素的影响。

    Conclusions MSCs have the potential ability of multi-differentiation in vitro , many factors could affect the proliferation characteristics of old rabbit MSCs in vitro , including the time of changing liquid , blood serum level and growth density etc.

  24. 试验结果表明:1.在生理特性方面,四个不同品种随着种植密度增大,群体的叶面积、LAI、LAD及干重均有不同程度增长。

    The results of research showed that the community 's leaf area , LAI , LAD and dry matter weight to different increased degree of four variety verily with the rising of planting densities increase in the aspect of physiological characteristic .

  25. 目的:探讨不同种植密度、换液时间对人间充质干细胞(hMSCs)原代培养时间的影响,从而确定原代培养hMSCs的适宜条件。

    Objective : To explore the influence of different implantation density and medium change time on the primary culture time of human mesenchymal stem cells ( hMSCs ) and ensure the optimum conditions for their primary culture .

  26. 在3种种植密度下,60cm行距种植的大豆群体,鼓粒期叶片衰减速率均比30cm行距的小。

    Under 3 different seeding rates , as soybeans Planted in 60 cm row space , the leaf area decrease rates at the grain filling stage were slower than those of planted in 30 cm .

  27. 最佳种植密度为60cm×(25~30)cm,其根部产量性状较好,药材性状符合药典规定的标准,但单位面积产量表现中等,可在一定范围内合理密植,以提高产量。

    By comparison and contrast , the best density of crop was 60 cm ×( 25 ~ 30 ) cm . Its root production characters were best and its medicinal herbs accorded with standards of pharmacopoeia . But its yield per unit area was moderate .

  28. 下部叶烟碱含量随着T的增加而减少。在120cm×45cm的种植密度+112.5kg/hm2的氮肥施用量+18片/株的留叶数的农艺措施组合下,烟碱含量最低。

    The nicotine content was the lowest when the plant density was 120cm × 45cm , fertilizer N application was 112.5 kg / hm2 with 18 leaves remaining per plant .

  29. 试验结果表明,种植密度为6.75万株·hm-2时,群体叶面积发展动态合理,光合势、净同化率与叶面积系数最高,生育期内干物质积累量最大。

    The result showed that the population leaf area developed reasonable while the planting density was 6 . 75 × 104 · hm-2 and LAD , NAR and LAI were all the largest , dry matter accumulation was the maximum at the growing stage .

  30. 品种生育期春播120d,夏播102d,一般产量9.000t/hm2,适宜种植密度为52500~60000万株/hm2。

    The mature period is 120 days for spring planting and 102 days for summer planting . The average yield is 9,000 t / hm ~ 2 and the suitable density is 52,500-60,000 plants per hectare .