
zhǒng xìng
  • caste of India
种姓 [zhǒng xìng]
  • [caste of India] 印度社会的世袭等级之一,这些等级是按照印度教的基本制度划分的,这种制度上溯到久远的古代,并且命令一切正统的印度教徒遵从一切社会交往的规则和限制,又这些等级各有其名和特别的风俗习惯,限制其成员的职业和他们同其他种姓成员的交往

种姓[zhǒng xìng]
  1. 种姓制度几乎影响着印度生活的方方面面。

    The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life .

  2. 两家人都属于等级相对较高的拉其普特(Rajput)种姓,也都是农民。

    Both families belong to the relatively high-ranking Rajput caste and are farmers .

  3. 印度上层种姓多数崇拜女神时母。

    Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali .

  4. 在赫胥黎1932年的小说《美丽新世界》(BraveNewWorld)中,生活在那个反乌托邦未来世界中的阿尔法、贝塔和其他种姓的人类手头常备一种名叫“苏麻”的万能灵药,只要一点点就可以驱散生活中的阴霾。

    In Huxley 's 1932 novel about a dystopian future , the Alphas , Betas and others populating his " Brave New World " have at their disposal a drug called soma .

  5. 来自国大党的拉胡尔·甘地(RahulGandhi)在北方邦所有种姓中进行游说,包括达利特。

    Rahul Gandhi , a Congress Party scion , campaigns among all the state 's castes , including dalits .

  6. 当人口普查调查人员找到你时,你会不会告诉你的种姓?

    Will you reveal your caste when the census-taker comes calling ?

  7. 尼泊尔的种姓制度源于印度。随着梨查维人进入加德满都谷地并建立王朝,种姓制度在尼泊尔开始萌芽。

    The caste system of Nepal had its origins in India .

  8. 社会的阶级制度是否已被种姓制度取代?

    Had our class system been replaced by a caste system ?

  9. 试论印度种姓制的政治作用

    A Tentative Analysis on the Political Function of Indian Caste System

  10. 他的临终遗言就是“种姓强韧.”

    His last words were " the seed is strong . "

  11. 种姓的名称、定义及本质问题

    Caste System in India : Terms , Definitions and Nature

  12. 印度种姓制度与凉山彝族等级制

    Indian Caste System the Hierarchy of Yi Nationality in Liangshan

  13. 印度独立后的宪法设定了一个消除种姓歧视的目标。

    India 's post-independence constitution set a goal of eliminating caste-based discrimination .

  14. 同来自高一级种姓的人通婚是不允许的。

    Marrying someone from a superior caste is not allowed .

  15. 种姓制是印度社会独特的一种等级制度。

    The caste system is a particular social estate system in India .

  16. 浅析锡克社会中的种姓

    A Simple Explanation of the Caste System in Sikh Society

  17. 阶级、主导种姓与印度乡村的权力结构

    Class , dominant caste and power structure in Indian village

  18. 小结:种姓政治会让位于更复杂的因素吗?

    Summary : Could caste politics give way to something more sophisticated ?

  19. 天分不局限在地理地域、宗教和种姓上。

    Talent does not confine to geographical area , religion , caste .

  20. 在人口普查中选一个你最有归属感的种姓。

    Choose which caste you want to belong to for the census .

  21. 印度传统的知识分子主要存在于婆罗门种姓中。

    The Indian traditional intellectual mainly exists in Brahman .

  22. 你将我所归属的种姓使你陷入争论之中。

    And that which you ascribe to me is mired in your controversies .

  23. 以种姓为基础的等级社会的社会体制或原则。

    A social system or the principle of grading society based on castes .

  24. 那家伙会不会以对待我的种姓应有的尊重对待我?

    Would the creature treat him with the respect due to his caste ?

  25. 种姓制度在印度仍然很牢固。

    The caste system is still strong in India .

  26. 但是低种姓的政客对此前景颇为欣喜,因此有可能发生。

    But low-caste politicians are delighted by theprospect , so it could happen .

  27. 纯洁与污秽&论印度的种姓婚姻

    PURITY AN DIRTY ── a Discussion of the Caste Marriage System in India

  28. 他属于最高种姓的一种。

    He belongs to one of the highest castes .

  29. 更低种姓的人本可以为她做这件事。

    Someone lower-caste could have done it for her .

  30. 种姓不是命,只是你选票权利的体现。

    Caste is not your destiny ; it is your vote bank clout .