
  1. 加强农业种质资源保护开发利用,加快实施农业生物育种重大科技项目。

    The protection , development and utilization projects in agricultural biological breeding should be accelerated .

  2. 会议强调,要加强种质资源保护和利用,加强种子库建设,坚决遏制耕地“非农化”、防止“非粮化”,更好保障国家粮食安全。

    To ensure food security , the country will strengthen the protection and utilization of germplasm resources and the construction of seed banks , according to the annual Central Economic Work Conference , which concluded on Dec 18 . The country will also continue to prevent the use of arable land for non-farming purposes , it said .

  3. 本研究采用RAPD标记技术对来自西昌、攀枝花和雅安的23个三角梅样品的遗传多样性进行分析,比较三角梅样品之间的遗传差异,以期为三角梅的品种分类以及种质资源保护提供依据。

    This paper analyses the genetic diversity of 23 samples from Xichang 、 Pan zhihua and Ya ' an by RAPD analysis and compared on the genetic diversity .

  4. 云南地区银合欢属种质资源保护利用

    Protection and Utilization on Germplasm Resources of Leucaena in Yunnan Province

  5. 中国生物种质资源保护现状与行动建议

    Status and Acting Proposals Concerning the Conservation of Chinese Bio-diversity Resources

  6. 海南岛野生兰科植物种质资源保护策略研究

    Strategies to Protect Germplasm Resources of Wild Orchids in Hainan Island

  7. 进行兜兰的迁地保护是兜兰种质资源保护最有效的措施之一。

    Introduction is one of the effective method of Paphiopedilum germplasm conservation .

  8. 中国植物种质资源保护:历史、现状与未来

    Past , Present and Future of Plant Germplasm Resources Conservation in China

  9. 贝类种质资源保护研究进展

    Advances in studies on conservation of the germ plasm resources in mollusk

  10. 江苏省蔬菜种质资源保护与利用现状

    Status on the Preservation and Utilization of Vegetable Germplasm Resources in Jiangsu Province

  11. 广西野生稻种质资源保护利用现状与展望

    Conservation and Utilization Status and Prospect of Wild Rice Germplasm Resources in Guangxi

  12. 黄河玛曲段水产种质资源保护区的调查研究

    Study on Aquatic Germplasm Resources Protection District of Maqu Waters of the Yellow River

  13. 野生东方田鼠实验动物化及种质资源保护的初步研究

    The Primary Studies on Breeding Microtus fortis as Laboratory Animal and Protecting Their Germ Plasm

  14. 华细辛种质资源保护的研究海带种质特征

    Protection of idioplasm resources of Asarum sieboldii Miq . Studies on the germplasm characteristics of Laminaria japonica

  15. 哺乳动物卵母细胞冷冻保存,在动物种质资源保护等方面已日益显示出强大的应用潜力。

    The cryopreservation of mammalian oocytes increasingly displayed its huge potential of application in animal resource protection .

  16. 保护和抢救三峡文物抢救种质资源保护生物多样性

    Cultural Relics Under Protection and Salvage in the Three Gorges Area Collection Evaluation and Utilization of Germplasm Resources in China

  17. 日本囊对虾遗传多样性水平及群体的遗传分化的评估对于日本囊对虾的种质资源保护或良种选育具有重要意义。

    The assessment of genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of M.japonicus is of great significance for germplasm resources protection and breeding .

  18. 鱼类配子和胚胎的冷冻保存对鱼类种质资源保护、低温生物学、遗传育种和水产养殖业都具有重要的意义。

    Cryopreservation of fish gametes and embryos plays an important role in the preservation of seed resource , cryobiology , genetics breeding and aquaculture .

  19. 结合姥山种质资源保护和良种研发创新平台项目建设,规划建立具有千岛湖特色的生态休闲场所。

    Combined with species resource protection and platform project of excellent variety research , the planning is about to establish ecological resorts with the features of thousand-island .

  20. 作者介绍了珍稀树种异地保存的方法,并通过各种繁殖方法扩大繁殖系数,建立异地保存基地,为保护生物多样性、种质资源保护积累一定的经验。

    Through reviewing the the methods and development of research on genetic diversity , the general situation of genetic diversity of rare forest tree species in Sichuan province was analyzed .

  21. 截至1997年,国内收集入牧草种质资源保护库的保存材料有3000余份,许多珍稀野生种植资源未得到充分的保护,有的甚至濒临灭绝,许多优良野生牧草品种也未被充分开发利用。

    Till to 1997 , the collected preservative material of protective pasture resource database is only 3000 , many rare wild planting resource can not be protected fully , and some are even close to die out .

  22. 并就兰花资源的保护和利用提出了2点建议:①在云南省的兰花主产区建立数个兰花种质资源保护基地,对当地的兰花资源进行迁地保护;

    At last , two proposals were given in this paper : ( I ) several bases for orchid germplasm resources preservation should be constructed in the major producing areas of wild orchids to protect local orchid germplasm resources ;

  23. 池蝶蚌作为淡水育珠蚌的代表,具有重大的经济价值,研究其性腺发育对池蝶蚌的种质资源保护、人工繁殖、性别人工诱导等可提供理论上的参考和依据。

    As a representative species of freshwater pearl mussels , Hyriopsis schlegelii has important commercial values . Study on the gonad development can provide theoretical references for conservation of germplasm resources , artificial breed and sex induction of H. schlegelii .

  24. 截至2015年底,中国在南海共建成国家级水生生物自然保护区6处,省级水生生物自然保护区6处,总面积达269万公顷;国家级水产种质资源保护区7处,总面积达128万公顷。

    By the end of 2015 , China had established six national aquatic biological nature reserves and six such reserves at provincial level , covering a total area of 2.69 million hectares , as well as seven national aquatic germplasm resources conservation areas with a total area of 1.28 million hectares .

  25. 中国热带植物种质资源的保护与创新利用

    Conservation and Enhancement Utilization of Tropical Plant Germplasm Resources in China

  26. 海南黄牛种质资源的保护和利用探讨

    Discussion on Germplasm Conservation and Utilization of Hainan Yellow Cattle

  27. 论我国水产动物种质资源的保护

    The Conservation of Germplasm Resources of Aquatic Animals in China

  28. 中国淡水鱼类种质资源的保护和利用

    Utilization and Protection of Freshwater Fishes Germplasm in China

  29. 植物种质资源的保护与开发利用

    The conservation and exploiting of the plant substance resource

  30. 我国实验动物种质资源的保护与利用现状

    Protection and Utility of Laboratory Animal Resources in China