
  • 网络seed processing
  1. 中国棉花种子加工技术的现状与发展

    The Current State and Development Trend of Cotton Seed Processing Technology in China

  2. 我国牧草种子加工技术发展综述

    A brief introduction of the development of forage seed processing technology in China

  3. 它利用PLC完善的内部功能有效而可靠地实现了对种子加工生产线的自动控制。

    The perfect interior functions of PLC are used to realize the automatic control of the product line of the seed process effectively and reliably .

  4. 发展辽宁省种子加工问题的探讨

    Explorations on How to Develop Seeds Processing Techniques in Liaoning Province

  5. 介绍了我国种子加工技术创新体系。

    Technique innovation system of Chinese seeds processing was briefly introduced .

  6. 羊草种子加工处理方法及设备的研究

    Study on Processing Method of Leymus Chinensis Seeds and the Newly-Invented Equipment

  7. 我国种子加工和粮食处理机械现状与发展趋向

    Current and future trends on machine for processing of seeds

  8. 气流输送杂余物料在种子加工厂中应用的研究

    Research on the Apply of Conveying Impurity by Pneumatic in Seed Factory

  9. 花生种子加工标准的研究初报

    A Study on the Quality Standard of the Peanut Seed

  10. 改善牧草种子加工过程中种子的流动性

    Improvement the Fluidity of the Forage Grass Seed in Its Processing Procedure

  11. 甜菜种子加工流水线的设计

    Design on Flow Line of Processing Sugar Beet Seed

  12. 种子加工中心的总体规划与设计

    Overall Programming and Design of Seed Processing Center

  13. 牧草种子加工成套设备智能化测控系统研究

    Research on grass seed processing complete sets of equipment intelligent monitoring and control system

  14. 玉米种子加工线的计算机仿真分析

    Computer Simulation of Corn Seed Processing System

  15. 论种子加工流水线设计

    About Design of Seeds Process Flow Line

  16. 种子加工是指对种子进行除杂、分级、包衣、烘干和包装等处理,生产出商品种子的过程。

    Seeds processing means treatments such as purifying , classing , peeling , drying , packaging , ect .

  17. 适用于农村、农场及种子加工部门对种子的处理。

    It can be widely used to handle seeds in rural areas , farms and seed processing mills .

  18. 通过对安徽农垦种子加工中心及种子加工主要设备使用现状分析,认为建设种子加工中心应因地制宜,综合考虑。

    The using status quo of seed processing center and seed processing equipment were analyzed in Anhui farming reclamation .

  19. 既可单机使用,也可与其它设备配套使用,是种子加工成套设备中主要设备之一。

    It is a main equipment of the whole seeds processing equipments and either can use lonely or use with others .

  20. 果园套种不同牧草对土壤微生物多样性的影响牧草种子加工成套设备智能化测控系统研究

    Orchard Interplanting Different Forage Grass to Soil Microbial Diversity Influences ; Research on grass seed processing complete sets of equipment intelligent monitoring and control system

  21. 针对我国玉米脱粒机的现状,通过研学国外先进技术,改进设计了板齿式脱粒机,并在国内的种子加工企业得到了大量的应用。

    Nowadays , the improved plank-tooth corn shellers based on the models in the developed countries were applied widely in the seed processing companies in China .

  22. 剖析了我国种子加工设备长期大量进口的症结所在,并提出行业主要发展趋势和对策。

    Analyzed the reason why seeds processing equipments of our country rely on importation all along , and proposed development trends and relevant countermeasure of seed industry .

  23. 分析了种子加工机械和粮食处理机械发展现状,根据市场需求趋势,提出了九五期间技术发展重点和新产品项目。

    The current situation on processing machine for seeds was analysed and the focal point of the development and new products during the Ninth Five-Year Plan put forword .

  24. 论文还针对目前我国牧草种子加工存在的主要问题,提出了相应的发展对策和建议。

    Meanwhile , the main problems in mechanized processing technology of forage seeds at present in China were summarized , and the paper also pointed out some relevant suggestions and countermeasures aimed at them finally .

  25. 本文根据种子筛选加工的工艺特点,设计了一个以PLC为核心的种子筛选自动控制系统。

    According to the technologic features of the seed process , an automatic control system for seed process is designed , in which the PLC is used as the core part .

  26. 种子的加工、贮藏以至播种,均可导致种子活力的下降甚至消失,种子活力对于播种后种子发芽、出苗、植株生长和产量品质都有影响。

    Seed processing , storage and even sowing , can lead to decrease even disappearance of the seeds activity , and the seed vigor would have effects on seeds ' germination , plant growth , yield and quality after sowing .

  27. 种子破碎后加工会造成色素损失。

    Broken seeds would result in loss of bixin during processing .

  28. 我国牧草种子机械化加工的现状及发展

    Current Situation and Development of Mechanized Processing of Herbage Seeds in China

  29. 牧草种子机械化加工工艺的分析

    Analysis of mechanized processing technology of forage seeds

  30. 豆类种子蛋白质及其加工特性的研究

    BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE QUALITIES OF LEGUME SEED PROTEINS Studies on Legume Seed Proteins and Processing character