
zhòng niú dòu
  • vaccinate against smallpox
种牛痘 [zhòng niú dòu]
  • [vaccination] 种痘

  1. 通过种牛痘天花已得到控制

    Smallpox has been brought under control by the use of vaccine

  2. 她恐怕是不肯重新种牛痘了。

    Suppose she wouldn 't let herself be vaccinated again .

  3. 嗯,你们知道为什么婴儿可以在6个月后种牛痘吗?

    Mm hmm , and do you know why kids get vaccinated at6 months ?

  4. 同错误思想作斗争,好比种牛痘,经过了牛痘疫苗的作用,人身上就增强免疫力。

    Fighting against wrong ideas is like being vaccinated & a man develops greater immunity from disease as a result of vaccination .

  5. 发行《参考消息》以及出版其他反面教材,就是种牛痘,增强干部和群众在政治上的免疫力。

    The publication of News for Reference and other negative teaching material is " vaccination " to increase the political immunity of the cadres and the masses .

  6. 我的小孩种了牛痘以防天花。

    My child was vaccinated against smallpox .

  7. 如果他真的种过牛痘的话,他就不会得病了。

    If he had been inoculated against smallpox , he would not have contracted the disease .

  8. 这是一种全新的牛痘疫苗,将加入战略性国家贮备。

    The smallpox vaccine is a completely new product that will be added to the Strategic National Stockpile .

  9. 所以,最好是三年五年再种一次牛痘,就是开我们这种会。明年三月二十六日再开会,要检查这次计划执行得怎样。

    Therefore it is better to have another vaccination in our case another meeting of the present kind after a lapse of three or five years . We shall hold another conference on March 26 next year and check up on how our plan has been carried out .

  10. 种了一次牛痘,起预防作用。

    Vaccination has a preventive effect .