
  • 网络variolation;variolization;viriolation
  1. 中国人痘接种术向西方的传播及影响

    Spread of Chinese variolation art to the western world and its influence

  2. 中国的人痘接种术是现代免疫学的先驱

    Variolation , Pioneer of Modern Immunology

  3. 人痘接种预防天花是中国古代医学家的伟大发明。

    Smallpox inoculation or variolation was a great invention of medicine in ancient China .

  4. 文摘:人痘接种预防天花是中国古代医学家的伟大发明。

    Abstract : smallpox inoculation or variolation is a great invention of medicine in ancient china .

  5. 中国人可能早在10世纪已懂得利用天花患者的病毒来接种的人痘接种法。

    Inoculation against smallpox using material from small-pox patients was probably first practiced by the Chinese in the 10th century .

  6. 据史料记载,人痘接种被广泛应用是在明朝隆庆年间(1567一1572)。

    Inoculation , according tothe historical records , was not widely practiced in China until the reign of Emperor Longqing ( 1567-1572 ) during the Ming Dynasty .

  7. 人痘接种向西方的传播及实践,是中西医学交流史上的重要事件,值得予以重视并深入的研究。

    The spread and practice of smallpox inoculation in western world was an important event in the history of intercommunication between eastern and western medicines , which is worth emphasizing and further studying .

  8. 法国哲学家伏尔泰这样赞扬人痘接种:“我听说一百年来,中国人一直就施用人痘接种法;这是被认为全世界最聪明、最讲礼貌的一个民族的伟大先例和榜样。”

    The French philosopher Voltaire once praised , " I am informed that the Chinese have practised inoculation in the past hundred years ; this is a great precedent and ex-ample set by the Chinese nation considered to be the most intelligent and courteous in the world . "