
  • 网络humanitarian assistance;Humanitarian Aid;humanitarian relief
  1. SOC已经帮助建立一个临时政府增强叙利亚内部地方治理的能力,增加人道主义援助及恢复一些解放地区的必要服务。

    The SOC has helped establish an interim government to enhance the capacity of local governance inside Syria , increase humanitarian assistance , and restore essential services in some of the liberated areas .

  2. 在日内瓦,联合国“食物权”特派报告人JeanZiegler将出席有关人道主义援助和食物权的活动(10月17日)。

    In Geneva , Jean Ziegler , the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food , will attend an event on humanitarian assistance and the Right to Food ( 17 October ) .

  3. 日本已承诺提供一亿元人道主义援助。

    Japan has pledged $ 100 million in humanitarian aid .

  4. 两辆卡车被拦了下来,因为里面装有帐篷,按照指挥官对人道主义援助的定义,那不能算作援助物资。

    Two of the trucks were stopped because they had tents in them , and under the commanders ' definition of humanitarian aid , that didn 't count

  5. 这个国家主要依靠几个发达国家的人道主义援助。

    This country relies heavily on the humanitarian aid of several developed countries .

  6. 加沙立即实现开放以接收食品、药物和其他人道主义援助,以色列停止经济封锁,这是非常紧迫的事。

    It is urgent that Gaza be open immediately to receive food , medicine and other humanitarian aid , and that Israel end its economic blockade .

  7. 英国政府现已暂停对这一地区的人道主义援助。

    The British government has now suspended humanitarian aid to the area .

  8. 在全球约30个冲突地区和85个国家,ECHO都提供了人道主义援助。

    ECHO provides humanitarianism aid in 30 conflict areas and 85 countries .

  9. 比尔盖茨星期三在MorningJoe谈论人道主义援助方面创新的作用,但单列出教育作为最可能决定美国未来的问题。

    Bill Gates was on Morning Joe Wednesday to talk about the role of innovation in humanitarian aid , but singled out education as the issue that could most determine America 's future .

  10. 比尔盖茨星期三在“MorningJoe”谈论人道主义援助方面创新的作用,但单列出教育作为最可能决定美国未来的问题。

    Bill Gates was on " Morning Joe " Wednesday to talk about the role of innovation in humanitarian aid , but singled out education as the issue that could most determine America 's future .

  11. 这艘“无畏希望号”(theaudacityofhope)是计划向加沙地带运送人道主义援助,挑战以色列对巴勒斯坦领土封锁的舰队的一部分。

    The boat , called the Audacity of Hope , is part of a flotilla planning to take humanitarian aid to Gaza in order to challenge the Israeli blockade of the Palestinian territory .

  12. BBC记者贝瑟尼贝尔在耶路撒冷说,许多人缺乏最基本的用品-食品,药品和燃料-和压力是要加快运送人道主义援助。

    The BBC 's Bethany Bell in Jerusalem says many people lack the most basic supplies-food , medicine and fuel-and pressure is on to speed up deliveries of humanitarian aid .

  13. 美国总统乔治•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)昨天命令美国军队,向格鲁吉亚履行强有力的人道主义援助使命。此间,就俄罗斯在这个前苏联国家的军事行动,美国政府大幅增加了对俄方的压力。

    George W. Bush ordered US military forces yesterday to lead a vigorous humanitarian mission to Georgia as Washington sharply increased pressure on Russia over its military action in the former Soviet state .

  14. 尽管和Mugabe政府的政治观念严重不同,布什政府持续给津巴布韦提供人道主义援助,在过去的一年总数超过2.5亿美元。

    Despite its sharp political differences with the Mugabe government , the Bush administration has continued humanitarian aid to Zimbabwe , which during the past year exceeds $ 250 million .

  15. Tarif称,有超过一百万人已经在叙利亚境内流离失所,那里几乎没有任何人道主义援助。

    Tarif says more than one million people have been displaced inside Syria , where there is little humanitarian aid .

  16. 布基纳法索总理特尔蒂乌斯·宗戈(TertiusZongo)呼吁1.5亿美元的资金用于排洪,修葺道路,支付人道主义援助,发展更好的灾难响应机制。

    Prime Minister Tertius Zongo is more than $ 150 million to drain flood waters , repair road damage , humanitarian assistance and develop a better disaster-response system .

  17. 捐助者和金融机构包括世界银行、美国国际开发署和欧盟委员会灾害预案人道主义援助办公室(DIPECHO)已对这项呼吁做出了回应,为卫生机构的安全提供了资助。

    Donors and financial institutions – including the World Bank , USAID and DIPECHO – have answered the call by offering funding to make health facilities safer .

  18. 切尔诺贝利及其后:向技术灾难受害者提供人道主义援助

    Chernobyl and Beyond : Humanitarian Assistance to Victims of Technological Disasters

  19. 联合国使团将发表声明,给难民以人道主义援助。

    The UN mission is to deliver humanitarian aid to refugees .

  20. 人道主义援助必须能够进入被占领地区。

    Humanitarian aid must be allowed to reach areas under siege .

  21. 这些国家可能面临着在非人道主义援助方面的限制。

    These countries face possible measures such as restrictions in non-humanitarian aid .

  22. 卢武玄还削减了对北朝鲜普通民众的人道主义援助。

    Mr Roh has also cut humanitarian assistance to ordinary North Koreans .

  23. 人道主义援助工作因进攻而中断。

    Humanitarian relief efforts have been stopped by the attacks .

  24. 关于人道主义援助指导原则的联合声明;

    Joint Declaration on the guiding principles for humanitarian assistance ;

  25. 负责向柬埔寨人民人道主义援助的特别代表;

    Special representative for humanitarian assistance to the Kampuchean people ;

  26. 人道主义援助层面已经具备了强大的制度基础设施。

    Strong institutional infrastructure already exists at the level of humanitarian aid .

  27. 此外,人道主义援助也能给美国带来收益。

    And humanitarian aid can redound to America 's benefit .

  28. 联合国加速向索马里提供人道主义援助百日行动纲领

    United Nations 100-Day Programme of Action for Accelerated Humanitarian Assistance for Somalia

  29. 同国际社会一起,我们正在提供紧急人道主义援助。

    Together with the international community , we 're delivering urgent humanitarian assistance .

  30. 联合国机构间紧急人道主义援助联合呼吁

    United Nations Inter-agency Consolidated Appeal for Emergency Humanitarian Assistance