
kǎo dǎ
  • torture;beat;flog
拷打 [kǎo dǎ]
  • [beat;torture] 指审问时打犯人

拷打[kǎo dǎ]
  1. 许多难民都遭受过拷打。

    Many of the refugees have suffered torture .

  2. 我原以为在文明国家,严刑拷打早已销声匿迹。

    I believed that in civilized countries , torture had ended long ago .

  3. 他们再也没有当他的面严刑拷打过囚犯。

    They never again tortured a prisoner in his presence .

  4. 法国警方确信她是被拷打致死。

    French police are convinced that she was tortured and killed

  5. 该团体中有三个人被拷打致死。

    Three members of the group had been tortured to death

  6. 毫无疑问,有人认为拷打比草菅人命好不到哪去。

    There is no doubt that some considered that a beating was no more than summary justice

  7. 任何严刑拷打都不能使他开口。

    No torture would make him speak .

  8. 严刑拷打未使她屈服。

    Torture failed to make her submit .

  9. 决不准许严刑拷打。

    Torture should never be sanctioned .

  10. 她被严刑拷打。

    She was cruelly tortured .

  11. 总统拷打和监禁他的反对者已经使的国人生厌

    Mr Afwerki may disgust his compatriots by torturing and imprisoning his critics . Afwerki

  12. 那个人被拷打得遍体鳞伤。

    The man was beaten until he was black and blue .

  13. 他们拷打那个人,使他招认他的罪行。

    They tortured the man to make him confess his crime .

  14. 他身上的一处处伤痕证明他曾受到严刑拷打。

    His scars bore witness to the torture he had suffered .

  15. 痛苦严刑拷打往往使施刑者和受刑者都丧失人性。

    torture Torture always dehumanizes both the torturer and his victim .

  16. 我会关闭关塔那摩基地监狱,禁止刑讯拷打。

    I will close the Guantanamo Bay prison and ban torture .

  17. 刚才那队人可能会为了这个信息对你严刑拷打

    That other team would 've tortured you for that information .

  18. 克洛德决非猛士:他断不会死在严刑拷打之下。

    Claude was no hero : he 'd never die under torture .

  19. 拷打战犯以得知敌方计划。

    To torrure a prisoner-of-war to find out enemy plans .

  20. 尽管敌人将他严刑拷打,他还是什么也没说。

    Nothing escaped his lips though the enemy tortured him .

  21. 数以千计的犯人受拷打、遭杀害的监狱。

    Prisons where the inmates were tortured and murdered by the thousand .

  22. 所有证据都是在严刑拷打下获得的,因此它毫无价值。

    All the evidence was obtained under torture , it was worthless .

  23. 严刑拷打往往使施刑者和受刑者都丧失人性。

    Torture always dehumanizes both the torturer and his victim .

  24. 他遭到严刑拷打,以至患上癫痫。

    He was beaten so severely that he developed epilepsy .

  25. 尽管有严刑拷打和心理上的压力,一些战俘仍旧坚定不移。

    Despite the torture and the psychological pressure some POWs remained unbrainwashed .

  26. 他不晓得被拷打了多久。

    I don 't know how long they tortured him .

  27. 他们好像受到过严刑拷打。

    It seemed that they had been put through some hideous torture .

  28. 我不知有那些拷打,还有你的伤疤

    I didn 't know about the torture , or your scars .

  29. 巴宾顿和他的同谋们经过严刑拷打而招供了

    Babington and his fellow plotters had been tortured and had already confessed .

  30. 那个在台北拷打我的人?

    The guy who had me tortured in taipei ?