
ɡuó jì xínɡ fǎ
  • international criminal law;international penal law
  1. 国际刑法学的若干基本范畴探析

    On several basic categories of the science of International Criminal Law

  2. 论国际刑法中的海盗罪

    On the Pirate Crime of the International Criminal Law

  3. 关于国际刑法概念及法律特征的思考

    On the Concept and Legal Features of International Criminal LaW

  4. 略论国际刑法的间接实施刑事法治的人道主义路径

    Tentative Ideas on Indirect Enforcement of International Penal Law

  5. 论国际刑法中指挥官责任的构建

    On Construction of Commandant Responsibility in International Criminal Law

  6. 国际刑法中行刑社会化代表着行刑发展的国际趋势。

    Socialization of Execution Punishment is the necessity in the development of execution punishment .

  7. 当代国际刑法的新发展

    New Development of Modern International Criminal Law

  8. 美术作品的国际刑法保护

    International Penal Law Protection of Art Works

  9. 蒙得维的亚国际刑法条约

    Montevideo Treaty on International Criminal Law

  10. 本文拟从国际刑法角度论述美术作品的法律保护问题。

    The text discusses the legal protection of fine art works from international penal law angle .

  11. 国际刑法中的行刑社会化问题研究关于行刑社会化的法律思考

    Research on the Socialization of Execution Punishment of International Criminal Law Thought about the Socialization of Execution of Sentence

  12. 中国与中亚对固体废物污染环境犯罪的国际刑法控制研究

    The Study on International Criminal Law Controlling of the Solid Waste Pollution Environmental Crime between China and Central Asia

  13. 腐败犯罪的法律控制与国际刑法的演进&以《联合国反腐败公约》为视角

    Legal Enforcement Against Criminal Corruptions and Evolution of International Criminal Law & a Snapshot of UN Convention Against Corruption

  14. 国际刑法的本质属性、机能、功能与作用是国际刑法学的四大基本范畴。

    The essential property , mechanism , function and effect constitute the four major categories of the science of international criminal law .

  15. 有关恐怖主义犯罪问题的研究一直是国内刑法学界和国际刑法学领域的研究热点。

    Research on the crime of terrorism has been one focus in the circle of domestic criminal law and international criminal law .

  16. 死刑是我国刑罚中的一个重要刑种,也是国际刑法关注的焦点。

    It is an important penalty in our country 's punishment and the focus that the international criminal law pays attention to .

  17. 从国际刑法的总体状况来看,都是以分散的、孤立的和以单一内容的实体规范通过国际条约表现出来的。

    In general international criminal law is presented in international treaties in the form of dispersive and isolated substantive rules governing a single issue .

  18. 死刑问题是现代刑法理论研究和国际刑法所关注的一个热点和焦点问题。

    Capital punishment issue is a hot and point one that the theory of modern criminal law and international criminal law are focusing on .

  19. 当今大多数国家国内刑法及司法实践中的正义要素,逐渐被接受成为国际刑法准则的一部分。

    In most countries , there are some common elements of justice among national criminal laws and judicial practices , which serve as important guidelines of international criminal law nowadays .

  20. 另一方面,它也丰富了国际刑法的内容,有利于促进国际刑法理论的发展。

    On the other hand , it can enrich the contents of the International Criminal Law , and it can accelerate the development of the theory of the International Criminal Law .

  21. 《经合组织公约》和《联合国反腐败公约》在引渡、司法协助等领域从国际刑法层面为跨国商业贿赂的法律治理提供了有效的国际合作与协调机制。

    OECD Convention and the United Nations Convention against Corruption provide an effective international cooperation and coordination mechanism system in extradition , legal assistance and other areas of the international criminal law .

  22. 本文主要探讨国际刑法上的一个重要原则:上级命令不免除责任原则。

    This paper is mainly discussing an important principle in the international criminal law : the principle that obedience to the order of a superior officer will not prevent a soldier from punishment .

  23. 对国内立法、国际刑法与刑法理论以及刑事司法进行全方位的反思,惩罚和防范日益猖獗的计算机犯罪是当务之急。

    So it is the most urgent to review the domestic legislation , international criminal law , criminal legal theory and criminal justice completely in order to punish and prevent increasingly rampant computer crimes .

  24. 这有着重要的历史和现实意义,不仅与我国矜老恤幼的传统美德相一致,向国际刑法的立法趋势迈进了一大步。

    It has important historical and practical significance which is not only consistent with the traditional virtues of our country , but also a major step forward towards the legislative trend of international criminal law .

  25. 伴随国际刑法中废除死刑呼声的高涨,如何正确及准确地在如此大跨度的法定刑幅度内量刑是司法实践界所面临的一个重要课题。

    With the voice of abolishing the death penalty in the International Criminal Law , how to sentence properly and accurately in such a large range of legal punishment is an important task for judicial practice field .

  26. 2002年9月,在维也纳召开的第十七届国际刑法大会专题预备会议指出:未成年人需要社会提供特殊保护,尤其是立法、社会以及司法体系的保护。

    In September , 2002 , the special subject preparatory meeting of the seventeenth international criminal law convening in Vienna points out : society should provide minors special protection , especially legislation , society and judiciary system .

  27. 经过长期而曲折的努力,具有国际刑法发展史里程碑意义的国际刑事法院终于在2002年7月1日成立了。这是国际法发展的历史性突破。

    After long and tortuous effort history of the development of international criminal law milestone in the International Criminal Court was finally established on July 1, 2002.This is a historic breakthrough in the development of international law .

  28. 贿赂犯罪是当今世界上存在最普遍的犯罪形式之一,它严重危害了正常的社会秩序,阻碍了社会的进步,是各国刑法乃至国际刑法重点打击的对象。

    Bribery crime is very common in the whole world . It harms to normal social order and hinders social development severely , so it becomes the aim that many criminal laws even the international world fight against .

  29. 但由于整体上而言国际刑法的发展还处于不成熟时期,所以管辖权的运用在具体实践中总会存在这样那样的问题,其复合模式的良好发挥还有亟待完善之处。

    However , as the development of international criminal law as a whole in term is still in the immature period , there will always be lots of specific kinds of problems in the use of the jurisdiction .

  30. 从国际刑法的角度,酷刑罪是指公职人员违背国际公约,为了特定的目的,故意实施的使他人在肉体上或精神上遭受剧烈疼痛或痛苦的行为。

    From the angle of international criminal law , the crime of cruel punishment refers to that , in order to reach some special purpose , the government officials offend agaist the international convention and torture the criminals physically and spiritually .