
  • 网络INTERNATIONAL;International education
  1. 一些专家说,20世纪初开始在美国实行的愉快而慵懒的暑假制度是导致美国高中生的数学技能和毕业率在2007年两份国际教育报告中远远低于平均水平的原因之一。

    Some experts say its pleasant but lazy summer break , which took hold in the early 20th century , is one of the reasons math skills and graduation rates of U . S . high schoolers ranked well below average in two international education reports published in 2007 .

  2. WTO规则与中国参与国际教育贸易竞争的道路选择

    WTO Regulations and Options for China 's Participation in International Education and Trade Competition

  3. 应对WTO挑战,积极发展国际教育服务贸易

    Meeting the Challenge of WTO Enlarging the International Educational Service Trade

  4. 国际教育贸易与大学市场化趋势&加入WTO后中国大学面临的挑战与机遇

    International Trade of Education and the Trend Towards Market-oriented Operation of Chinese Universities : Challenge and Opportunity for Chinese Universities after China 's Entry into WTO

  5. 他通过美国马萨诸塞州伯灵顿(Burlington)的教育中介机构美国剑桥国际教育(CambridgeInstituteofInternationalEducation)向圣玛丽中学提出了入学申请。美国剑桥国际教育负责为美国近150所学校在中国筛选学生。

    He applied through the Cambridge Institute of International Education of Burlington , Mass . , which vets applicants from China for nearly 150 U.S. schools .

  6. 这意味着所有WTO成员国均有权参与教育服务竞争,意味着国际教育贸易市场的形成。

    This means that all of the members of WTO can participate in the competition of the educational service , that the international trade in education market is taken in shape .

  7. 根据非营利组织国际教育协会(InstituteofInternationalEducation)周一发布的年度报告,在截至今年5月的学年,有819644名外国学生在美国学习,较前一年上升7.2%。

    In the school year ended in May , 819644 foreign students studied in the U.S. , up 7.2 % from the previous year , according to an annual report released Monday by the Institute of International Education , a nonprofit organization .

  8. 国际教育协会主席兼首席执行长古德曼(AllanE.Goodman)说,将近70%的学生集中在大约200所学校里。

    Nearly 70 % of the students are concentrated in about 200 schools , said Allan E. Goodman , the nonprofit 's president and chief executive .

  9. 随着我国加入WTO,国际教育服务贸易得到了发展,而上海近年来在此方面的进展较快,积累了丰富的经验,这对国内其他地区的国际教育服务贸易发展具有较大的借鉴价值。

    Since Chinese entry to WTO , the international educational service and trade have been rapidly progressing in Shanghai . It is believed that the experiences accumulated will be valuable to the development of international educational service and trade in other regions .

  10. 作为最具影响力的国际教育组织之一,UNESCO引领着国际教育发展的方向,对世界各国教育发展发挥着重要作用,对我国教育发展也具有深远影响。

    As one of the most influential international education organizations , UNESCO is leading of the orientation of the international education development and impacting the education development of our country .

  11. 她于1994年及1995年分别获亚洲文化协会(ACC)及美国国际教育基金(IIE)颁发前往美国实习的奖助。

    She is the recipient of a fellowship from the Asian Cultural Council ( ACC ) in1994 and from the Institute of International Education ( IIE ) in1995 .

  12. 他们的成功证明了HND做为接受国际教育和接触国际商业社会的方式和渠道的价值。

    Their success proves that HND is a valuable approach to getting in touch with international education and the international business world .

  13. 通过四个方面介绍NIIT教育与传统高校教育的区别,以及其先进的国际教育模式。

    The paper introduces the differences between NITT education and the traditional higher education from four respects . And advanced international education pattern is introduced too .

  14. 国际教育贸易的概念可追溯至1994年世贸组织的前身关贸总协定(CATT)缔结的《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)。

    The concept , international trade in education , can be dated back to the year , 1994 , which witnessed the birth of General Agreement on Trade in Services ( GATS ) by GATT ( WTO today ) .

  15. 根据国际教育协会发布的《2017年门户开放报告》,2016-17学年,参加OPT项目的中国毕业生人数近6万,较上年增长14.6%,是2009-10学年的数字的5倍多。

    The number of Chinese graduates in such programs reached nearly 60000 in the 2016-17 academic year , an increase of 14.6 % from the previous year and more than five times the figure in the 2009-10 academic year , according to the 2017 Open Doors report by the Institute for International Education .

  16. 国际教育协会负责研究和评估的副主席班达里(RajikaBhandari)说,马萨诸塞、印第安纳和宾夕法尼亚等州的增速最快。

    The states of Massachusetts , Indiana and Pennsylvania saw some of the fastest growth , said Rajika Bhandari , the nonprofit 's deputy vice president for research and evaluation .

  17. 国际教育服务贸易是国际贸易的一个新领域。

    International trade in educational services is a new trade area .

  18. 国际教育资本参与中国高等教育发展对策研究

    Global Educational Capitals and the Development of Higher Education of China

  19. 教育联通世界&2005北京国际教育博览会

    Education Links the World & 2005 Beijing International Education Expo

  20. 美国国际教育:历史、理论与政策

    American " International Education ": History , Theory and Policy

  21. 美国国际教育与其文化外交战略:1946-1966

    American International Education and Its Cultural Diplomacy Strategy : 1946-1966

  22. 担任北美比较和国际教育学会前主席。

    He is past president of the Comparative and International Education Society .

  23. 浅议开放性国际教育模式的新尝试

    A Discussion about an Experiment of Opening International Education Mode

  24. 国际教育评价中的科学探究能力测评简介及启示

    Introduction and Enlightenment of Scientific Inquiry Ability Assessment in International Education Evaluation

  25. 澳大利亚国际教育服务贸易发展模式研究

    Development Mode of International Trade in Education Services of Australia

  26. 论国际教育服务贸易下的国家教育主权维护

    The Safeguard of National Education Sovereignty under International Trade in Educational Services

  27. 国际教育贸易:一个渐趋升温的跨国产业

    International Education Trade : A Gradually Flourishing Transnational Industry

  28. 香港成为一个国际教育和科研中心。

    For Hong Kong to become an international education and scientific research centre .

  29. 国际教育与国民教育、全球教育的关系;

    The relationship between international education and national education , and global education ;

  30. 国际教育服务贸易研究&规则解读与我国的承诺

    On International Trade in Education Services : Rules Analysis and China 's Commitments