
  • 网络times
  1. 美国、英国大学排名及特点

    America and British College Rankings and Their Character

  2. 在08年全英国大学排名中,埃克塞特大学名列13。

    In the British university ranking in2008 , the University of Exeter runs the13th .

  3. 但它警告称,这“掩盖”了其它英国大学排名的相对下降,而德国大学的排名正在迅速上升。

    But it warns that this is " masking " a relative decline for other UK universities , while German universities are rapidly improving in the league table .

  4. 牛津大学和剑桥大学在英国最佳大学排名中位居前两名,而伦敦的一些优秀大学则挤进了前五名。

    The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge take the top two spots in this ranking of best British universities , while some of the best universities in London complete the top five .

  5. 基于此,即使在全球金融风暴影响下,该大学仍然获得了英国高等教育拨款委员会增加的投入,并提升了在英国大学中的综合排名。

    Then the university still won the financial support of UK higher education fund against the impact of global financial crisis and promoted its comprehensive ranking in UK universities .