
  • 网络british model
  1. 英国首相戈登.布朗的声音尤其引人注目。他的所谓银行重注资本的英国模式正在世界其他地区被仿效。

    One of the leading voices there is British Prime Minister Gordon Brown whose so-called British model of bank recapitalization is being mirrored elsewhere around the world .

  2. 英国统考模式及相关课程剖析

    An Analysis on the Mode of UK National Test and Its Curricula

  3. 在二元选择之间:当代英国文化模式解析

    Between Binary Options : On Contemporary British Cultural Pattern

  4. 司法型宪政模式向代议制型宪政模式的转变,标识了近代英国宪政模式的转型。

    The transformation from the judicature to the representative system has marked the change of the modern Britain constitutional government pattern .

  5. 受英国教育模式的影响,部分学校又形成了分校(学校分为男校及女校)的格局。

    Under the influence of the British education system in the colonial period , there were many schools in where students were only boys or girls .

  6. 但由于国情的差异,我国的电力产业管制改革不可能照搬英国的模式,而只能采用综合激励性管制机制。

    But due to differences in countries of different situations , it is impossible for China to copy the British mode in power industry reform . Instead , integrative incentive regulation should be adopted .

  7. 依上述理论,西方各国建立了各具特色的社会保障制度,其中比较典型的有以国家为主导的德国和英国立法模式和以私人为主导的智利和新加坡立法模式。

    Based on the above-mentioned theories , western countries established different social security with different characteristics , among which the more classical ones are national oriented German and Britain model , individual oriented Chili and Singapore model .

  8. 联合诊所:英国NHS服务模式的改革

    Polyclinic : the Service Pattern Reform of the NHS in the UK

  9. 从电力库(Pool)到尼塔(Neta)&英国电力市场模式演变简介

    Brief Introduction on Evolution of Management Mode of British Electric Power Market & From Pool Mode to Neta Mode

  10. 在第二章中主要对美国、加拿大、英国的MBS模式的具体运作进行研究,总结出一些有价值的经验、教训,为我国顺利引入MBS起到一定的借鉴作用。

    Chapter II mainly investigates the concrete operation of the model of MBS in American , Canada and UK , and concludes some valuable experiences and precepts as reference of introducing MBS in China smoothly .

  11. 这一研究由零食生产商Pom-Bear发起,目的是为其“让我们交朋友吧”这一活动宣传造势。该研究结果揭示了英国各地交友模式之间的显著区别。

    The study by snack maker Pom-Bear to highlight its'Let Make Friends'campaign revealed some marked differences in friendship patterns across the country .

  12. 英国金融监管模式改革分析

    An Analysis of the Reform of Financial Supervision Pattern in England

  13. 英国电力市场模式改革回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of Restructuring Electricity Market Modes in United Kingdom

  14. 介绍了英国电力市场模式。

    This paper introduces the mode of the power market in England .

  15. 英国医学教育模式带给我们的启发

    Enlightenment of British Model of Medical Education to Us

  16. 英国大学教育模式及对英语人才培养的启示

    British University Education Model and Its Implications for English Majors Education in China

  17. 以中小学为基地:英国教师培训模式及其启示

    The Pattern of Teacher-training in England and Its Enlightenment

  18. 英国科研评价模式:由专业评价人员进行评价

    British Model of Research Evaluation : Evaluating by Professionals

  19. 英国外语授课模式的探讨

    A Study on Foreign Language Teaching Approaches in Britain

  20. 英国金融监管模式

    The England Model of Financial Regulations

  21. 说真的,中国和英国的教学模式没什么太大的不同。

    Actruelly , there is not much different between the teaching mode of China and Britain .

  22. 从高等教育基金委员会看英国高校治理模式的创新

    The Innovations in British Higher Education Governance Model in the Perspective of Higher Education Funding Council

  23. 尽管在一定程度上还存在着英国和欧洲模式的痕迹,但在管理制度、课程设置、学生入学资格等方面凸显出自身的一些特点。

    Though in a certain degree there existed the traits of English and European modes , they exhibited their own features in various aspects .

  24. 在对媒体侵害名誉权证明责任的域外考察中,存在“英国普通法模式”、“美国宪法模式”和“大陆法系模式”三种情形。

    Reviewing media defamation out of territory , there exists " English common law mode "," American Constitution mode " and " Continent law mode " .

  25. 其次,通过与瑞典、德国的比较,分析了英国福利国家模式的特点。然后对这一政策的实施成就及由此引发的一系列问题分别进行了评析。

    Then by comparision with Sweden and Germany , this part analyses the character of British welfare state and evaluate the achievement and problems of the policy .

  26. 正确认识和评价英国金融监管模式的改革,有利于推动我国金融监管模式的发展和完善。

    It would contribute to the development and improvement of our financial supervision pattern to know well and evaluate the reform of the financial supervision pattern in England .

  27. 中世纪英国的宪政模式是司法型的,国王权力在司法领域受到一定的限制,但是在政治领域却不受限制。

    British constitutional government pattern in the Middle Ages is the judicature , authority of the king gets the certain limit in the judicial field , but the political field .

  28. 在建校之初,课程设置依循英国大学的模式,以传统的学院式的课程为主,但又与当时美州盛行的第一批移民的清教思想相一致。

    During its early years , the College offered a classic academic course based on the English University model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists .

  29. 最后,针对中国区域城镇规划目前存在的核心问题,提出可以从英国区域规划模式中获得的一些启示。

    , and finally analyzes the key problems of Chinese urban system planning and proposes some revelations which can be obtained from the actual mode of regional planning in UK .

  30. 英国法治现代化模式是经验主义的法治现代化模式,其道路是渐进改良的内生型法治发展道路。

    The model of modernization of the rule of law in Britain is the empirical model of modernization of the rule of law , the road is a progressive improvement of the endogenous development path the rule of law .