
  • 网络chelmsford
  1. 新的道路规划中包括了一条切姆斯福德与M25号高速公路的连接线。

    The new road schemes include a link between Chelmsford and the M25

  2. 马萨诸塞州切姆斯福德轴心通信又在其网络视频产品中增加了新的摄像机。

    Axis Communications of Chelmsford , Massachusetts , has added a new camera to its line of network video products .

  3. 他成了切姆斯福德附近一家老商号的合伙人,(注:参照上下文这里应该译成“事务所”才对。)在那儿一直呆到退休。

    He became a partner in an old firm in nearby Chelmsford and stayed there for the rest of his working life .

  4. 另一名22岁的男子稍微成功一点,在艾赛克斯切姆斯福德的考试中心考了36次终于通过。

    Another man , aged 22 , was slightly more successful , passing on his 36th attempt at a test centre in Chelmsford in Essex .

  5. 在切姆斯福德验尸法庭举行的有关他的死亡的听证会上,48岁的英厄姆夫人和42岁的情人巴雷特分别坐在法庭的两端。

    During the hearing into his death at Chelmsford Coroner 's Court , Mrs Ingham , 48 , and Miss Barrett , 42 , sat at opposite ends of the courtroom .