
  • 网络Chester County;Westchester
  1. 多切斯特县官员为意外大规模杀死蜜蜂而道歉。

    Dorchester County officials apologized for the accidental mass killing of bees .

  2. 多切斯特县知道,周日喷洒的该地区的一些养蜂人失去了他们的蜂群。

    Dorchester County is aware that some beekeepers in the area that was sprayed on Sunday lost their bee colonies .

  3. 1988年,他曾谋求获得韦斯特切斯特县议会的民主党提名——他的多位先辈曾拥有该县议会的席位——但是失败了。

    In 1988 , he sought the Democratic nomination for the same Westchester County congressional seat his forbears had held , but was defeated .

  4. 在美国的城市和地区中,纽约在这一项上排名第一,紧随其后的是威斯切斯特县、达拉斯、底特律和加利福尼亚州的圣何塞。

    New York City ranks first among US cities and regions , followed by Westchester County , Dallas , Detroit and San Jose , Calif.

  5. 在过去几周里,我走遍了纽约州,从新泽西到韦斯切斯特县,寻找一些更有趣而没有得到足够赞美的冰激凌店。

    Over the last several weeks , I 've traveled from New Jersey to Westchester County , N.Y. , to seek out some of the more intriguing and undercelebrated shops .

  6. 这个女孩,目前在英国埃塞克斯科尔切斯特县一所女子文科高中八年级就读,对测试结果还有点难以接受。

    The comparison doesn 't sit well with the British student , who 's currently in Year 8 at Colchester County high school , a selective girl 's grammar school in Essex , England 。