
duǎn dào sù huá
  • short-track speeding skating
短道速滑[duǎn dào sù huá]
  1. 短道速滑男子500m起跑动作运动生物力学分析

    Biomechanical Analysis on the Start Action of Man 's 500 Meter Event in Short Truck Skating

  2. 根据短道速滑冰刀的特点提出了用G1连续圆弧样条拟合短道速滑冰刀弧度曲线,以此建立短道速滑冰刀刃磨的数学模型。

    A thought of grinding the blade curve of skates for short track speed skating with G1 continuous arc splines is presented according to the skates blade properties .

  3. 周二下午最大的意外来自短道速滑男子500米预赛。卫冕奥运冠军、加拿大队的哈梅林(CharlesHamelin)在最后一圈摔倒。

    Earlier in the afternoon , the biggest surprise came in the men 's 500-meter heats , when defending Olympic champion Charles Hamelin of Canada crashed out on the final lap .

  4. 但在选手滑行时速超过35英里(合56公里)的比赛中,碰撞屡见不鲜,这也让短道速滑带有偶然性,就像纳斯卡赛车比赛(Nascar)一样。

    But frequent crashes at speeds greater than 35 miles an hour add a degree of randomness to short-track skating that turns it into the Nascar of the Olympics .

  5. 少儿短道速滑运动员系统训练应注意的几个问题

    Several Problems about the Children Training of Short Track Speed Skating

  6. 短道速滑运动员认知特质焦虑的特征

    Analysis of the Short Track Speed Skaters ' Cognitive Trait Anxiety

  7. 对我国女子短道速滑3000米接力的生物力学研究

    Biomechanics Research on 3000 Meter Relay in Short Track Speed Skating

  8. 引发短道速滑运动损伤的心理因素及预防

    The mental factors cause speed skating sport injury and prevention

  9. 短道速滑超越技术研究

    Research on the Exceeding Technique of Short Track Speed Skating

  10. 和男、女短道速滑。

    And short track speed skating for men and ladies .

  11. 试论短道速滑运动员的运动直觉

    Exercise . On the Sport Direct Feeling of the Short Speed Skaters

  12. 对黑龙江省高校冰上课进行短道速滑教学的可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on Speed Skating Teaching on Winter Sports Lesson in Heilongjiang Province

  13. 短道速滑与速滑项目有氧训练再认识

    My Recognition on the Aerobic Training of Speed Skating

  14. 浅析短道速滑运动员弯道滑行摔倒的原因

    Reasons of Athletes ' Falling Down in the Curve-skating of Short-track Speed Skating

  15. 少年短道速滑运动员系统化科学训练初期阶段实验研究

    Research on the preliminary period of the systematized scientific traning for speed-skating juvenile athletes

  16. 短道速滑比赛在首都体育馆举行。

    A short track speed skating competition was held at the Capital Indoor Stadium .

  17. 优秀女子短道速滑运动员陆地常规训练合理性的研究

    Study on Rationality of Dry Land Routine Training of Elite Female Short Track Skaters

  18. 对短道速滑运动员训练生化指标变化的再探讨

    SONG DANDAN : LOVE AGAIN New Probing into Biochemical Lidex of Speed Skater Training

  19. 另一名速滑选手李佳军在短道速滑男子1500比赛中获得一枚铜牌。

    Another speed skater Li Jiajun won a bronze medal in men's1500-meter short-track race .

  20. 短道速滑运动员比赛期营养补充的选择

    Selection of the Nutritional Supplements for the Short Track Speed Skaters in Competition Session

  21. 七台河市少年女子短道速滑入弯道技术的运动学比较分析

    Kinematic Comparison Research on Technique of Curve-enter of Young Female Short Track Speed Skaters of Qitaihe

  22. 实施系统性心理能力培养增强短道速滑运动员竞技心理稳定性的研究

    Study on Enhancing the Mental Stability of Elite Short Track Speed Skaters Through Systematic Mental Training

  23. 2010年温哥华冬奥会韩国短道速滑女队实力分析

    Actual strength of Korean Short Track Women 's Team at the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010

  24. 我国短道速滑比赛中运动员切割伤状况调查与对策研究

    An Investigation and Countermeasures Research on Athletes ' Injuries Caused by Cutting During Short-track Speed Skating Competition

  25. 吉林省少年女子短道速滑运动员踝关节力量训练的实验研究

    Junior Women 's Short Track Speed Skating in Jilin Province Athletes Ankle Experimental Study of Strength Training

  26. 中韩女子短道速滑个人项目战术的比较与分析

    The Comparison and Analysis on Tactics of China and South Korea in the Individual Women 's Short-Track

  27. 应用认知调节训练克服短道速滑运动员比赛焦虑情绪的研究

    The Study of Cognizing and Adjusting Training to Overcome and Control the Match Anxiety on Short-track-speed Skating Players

  28. 加拿大选手查尔斯·哈梅林在男子短道速滑1500米比赛中摘金。

    Canadian Charles Hamelin also won gold in the man 's 1500 meters short tracks speed game race .

  29. 下面是1500米短道速滑金牌得主中国选手周洋的一些背景。

    Here 's some background on the Chinese gold medalist of the women's1500 meters short track speed skating .

  30. 周洋生于1991年,她是中国女子1500米短道速滑队里面年纪最小的一个。

    Born in1991 , she is the youngest member of the Chinese women's1500 meters short track speed skating team .