
  1. 日本内阁不信任案已遭否决。

    No-confidence vote against Japanese Prime Minister fails .

  2. 据美联社报道,日本首相菅直人在议会的“内阁不信任案”投票中躲过一劫,但仍然表示他愿意在日本震后重建有一定眉目之时辞职。

    Japan 's Prime Minister Naoto Kan has survived a no-confidence motion in parliament , but said he is willing to resign when the country 's post-tsunami recovery takes hold , AP reported .

  3. 日本遭受地震和海啸侵袭后,日本民众发出换届呼声。日本首相菅直人面临日本国会众议院提出对菅直人内阁的不信任案。

    Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has confronted a no-confidence motion brought by MPs critical of his handling of the earthquake and tsunami disaster .

  4. 日本首相森喜朗内阁的不信任决议案于星期二被否决,森喜朗已经开始作改组内阁的准备。

    Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro mori , whose cabinet survived a no-confidence motion on tuesday , has begun preparations for a cabinet reshuffle .