
  • 网络intraclast;intraclasts
  1. 四川盆地三迭系地层中的内碎屑

    Internal clastic debris in the Triassic strata of the Sichuan Basin

  2. 砂质内碎屑微晶灰岩船触礁撞得支离破碎。

    The boat was torn asunder on the rocks .

  3. 亮晶内碎屑砂屑灰岩下石炭统为海相碎屑岩及中酸性岩组合;

    Lower Carboniferous is composed of sea facies fragments and mid-acidic component igneous rock .

  4. 砂质内碎屑微晶灰岩一些薄层砂岩和暗灰色粉砂岩显示出滑动构造。

    Some thin beds of layered sandstone and dark grey siltstone show slump structures .

  5. 亮晶内碎屑砂屑灰岩南极半岛西北部海域表层沉积物碎屑矿物研究

    A study on clastic minerals of surface sediments in the sea area northwest of the Antarctic Peninsula

  6. 亮晶内碎屑砂屑灰岩青海某地第三纪红色碎屑岩层中发现金矿物

    The found of auriferous mineral in red clastic ? Strata of tertiary period , somewhere in Qinghai

  7. 通过岩石学研究,结合区域构造发育史及沉积演化史,指出了区内碎屑物源主要来自于沉积盆地内部以及盆地周边再旋回造山带。

    Based on the petrology , with combination of regional tectonic development and sedimentary evolution , it is pointed out that the material sources of the elastic rocks resulted from the inner part of the Tarim basin and the recycled orogenic zone of the basin periphery .

  8. 结果:U组根管内有机碎屑的总量明显少于S组(P<0.01);

    RESULTS : Generally , amount of organic debris of the root canals in group U were significantly less than that in group S ( P < 0.01 ) .

  9. 湖相内成碎屑流的沉积及形成机理

    The sedimentation and formation mechanism of lacustrine endogenic debris flow

  10. 江西永新&崇义地区奥陶系内火山碎屑岩的发现及其意义

    A discovery of pyroclastic rock in Ordovician system in yongxin-chongyi area , jiangxi province and its significance

  11. 图3:冠状面扫查显示巨大的扩张的肠管突出到腹腔外,其内可见碎屑回声。

    Image 3 : Coronal scan showing large dilated bowel protruding outside the abdominal cavity with debris inside .

  12. 经过研究得出马更些三角洲盆地主要得出以下认识:1.盆地演化过程:侏罗纪-早白垩世,爱斯基摩湖断裂带内楔形碎屑物增厚并向西北方向尖灭。

    Basin evolution : Jurassic-Early Cretaceous , the Eskimo Lake fault zone within the wedge-shaped debris thickening to the northwest pinchout .

  13. 小流域内松散碎屑物质的稳定性及储量可以作为泥石流沟判别的依据。

    The assessment of the stability and reserves of the loose deposits along the mountainous stream basins may help establish a basis for the recognition of debris flow gullies .

  14. 依据盆内沉积物碎屑组份分析,发现中三叠世江南造山带进入强造山活动期,白垩纪末进入造山带坍塌后的活动平静期;

    By analyse distribution of the sedimentary detritals in the basin , it was discovered that the Jiangnan orogen entered a strong activation stage during Middle Triassic , and a quiet stage of post-orogenic collapse in the end of Cretaceous ;

  15. 内扇主要发育碎屑流(水下泥石流);

    The debris flow developed in the inner fan .

  16. 南金山金矿床产于北山岛弧构造带内、海相火山碎屑岩之中。

    Nan-Jin-Shan Gold Deposit occurs in marine pyroclastic rock in Bei-shan late-paleozoic island arc belt .

  17. 在塞焊焊缝处及塞焊周围距离内无细漆碎屑存在。

    No spalled paint exists at the plug weld and for a short distance each side of the plug welds .

  18. 腹腔内注射子宫内膜碎屑,每日随机取2组小白鼠各1只处死,观察内膜植入情况。

    EDs were injected into mice 's abdominal cavities . 1 mouse of each group was randomly executed daily , and the conditions of implanted EDs were examined .

  19. 讨论了应用盆地模拟技术模拟碎屑岩成岩史的方法和在盆地内没有钻井区碎屑岩成岩阶段的预测方法。

    This paper discusses the modelling method for the diagenetic history of clastic rocks and method of predicting diagenetic stages of clastic strata in the an undrilled basin area .

  20. 区内的陆源粗碎屑沉积岩为铀的富集创造了有利条件,扇三角洲和冲积扇的主河道和分流河道是最有利于铀聚集的部位。

    The terrigenous coarse-grained clastic deposits in the study area provide favorable condition for the concentration of uranium and especially the main channels and distributary channels on the fan delta and alluvial fan are the most favorable sites for uranium concentration .

  21. 矿区内岩石化学测量也证明:盆地内发育的内碎屑堆积硅质岩比周围岩石具有更高的Cu、Ag元素地球化学丰度值,Cu元素分布的显著不均一性,表明了后期构造的改造作用。

    Ore area petrochemistry analyse also prove : intraclast congeries silica rock in basin have higher Cu , Ag abundance than circumference pena . The prominence inhomogeneity of the Cu distribution indicates reconstruct of the late construction .