
  • 网络internal drainage
  1. 用内排水法实地测定了比利时北部近海岸草地沙土的非饱和导水率K(θ)和扩散率D(θ).并求得其经验公式。

    Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity K (θ) and diffusivity D (θ) of meadow sandy soil in coastal area of North Belgium are determined in situ by internal drainage method , and their empirical formulae are obtained .

  2. 因此,暴雨区的坡面防护和坡内排水应给予重视。

    So slope surface protection and inside bailing within great storm zone should be emphasised .

  3. 办公室的忠诚,新建议和复杂的团队关系可能在接下来的几天内排水。

    Office loyalties , new proposals and complex team relationships may be draining over the next few days .

  4. 新的喷头可以注射水和气体,同时起到从注射件内排水的出口作用。

    New nozzles can inject water and gas and can also act as an outlet for water ejection from the part .

  5. 在水稻栽培管理中,免耕稻田应及时清理沟系,保持农田排灌系统的畅通,以提高土壤内排水能力;

    In rice cultivation management , the irrigation and drainage system in zero-tillage rice fields should be kept unblocked , inorder to enhance the drainage ability of soil .

  6. 每个坝袋布置4个出水口能够有效的防止坍坝时坝袋内排水不畅导致的坝袋顶部凹凸不平、阻水等现象。

    Each dam bag arrangement 4 outlet can effectively prevent the dam when the dam collapse due to poor drainage bag dam bags at the top of rugged , waterproof and so on .

  7. 通过平原绿洲内部水分迁移,不同土地利用类型土壤盐分特点和典型洼地蒸发耗水的分析,论述了绿洲的内排水及旱排作用。

    The functions of interior drainage and dry drainage are investigated through the study of water transfer within plain oasis , soil salt characteristics of different land use type , evaporation of typical low land .

  8. 提出在绿洲排水规划时,可将旱排(或内排水)作为一种重要的排水方式,选择合适的洼地作为主要的旱排规划区。

    Moreover , it is proposed that dry drainage can be taken as an important way for the drainge of water and salt , and suitable low lying land should be chosen as the main dry drainage area in the drainage planning of oasis in raid area .

  9. 考虑在塑性区内不排水强度su是扰动度D的线性函数,得到了考虑扰动的圆柱孔扩张的弹塑性解答。

    Considering that the undrained shear strength is the linear function of the disturbance degree D in plastic region , the elastic-plastic solution of the cylindrical expansion has been gained .

  10. 浓香型白酒的配料与窖内升温排水沥青路面的材料组成及特性

    Analysis on the Material Composing and Characteristics of Porous Asphalt Pavements

  11. 为排出槽内和排水管中的水,应使排水阀保持开状态。

    Water drainage hose , charging valve shall be kept open .

  12. 竖曲线内桥面排水设计

    Design of bridge deck drainage within a vertical curve

  13. 油水分离井是油库储油罐区内用于排水的重要设施。

    Oil - water separation wells are important drain facilities at fire - resisting bank .

  14. 流入施肥后5天内不能排水。

    It need no water drain off from the field within 5 days after inflow application .

  15. 应用叠加原理,在点汇基本解的基础上,推导出了有限元单元内单个排水孔的近似解表达式。

    Based on the point set base solutions , the approximate solution formula of single drainage hole in the finite element has been ascertained by the superposition principle .

  16. 沟谷内常年排水困难,土多呈饱和状态,含水量高、强度低、压缩量大,在较高填方路段即形成软弱地基。

    Perennial drain difficultly within the valley , the soil is mostly saturated , high water content , low strength , compression large , for the higher embankment section , it would be soft ground .

  17. 大口径内槽给排水管件模具

    Fittings and molds for large caliber groove of water supply and drainage

  18. 浦东新区环内地区污水排水系统研究

    Research on the Sewerage of Inner City of Pudong District

  19. 但是政府称,他们已迅速在营地内安装了排水设施。

    But the government says it 's rapidly installing drainage systems in the camps .

  20. 安全分流井内设有雨水排水管、分流管和水质传感器;

    A rainwater discharging pipe , a distributing pipe and a water quality sensor are arranged inside the safety distributing well ;

  21. 然后,应用井群的叠加原理,将单个排水孔的解析理论推广到单元内多个排水孔的情况。

    Then using the superposition principle of well group , the analytic theory of single drainage hole is spread to multiple drainage holes in the element .

  22. 同时应用系统工程的方法,以投资最小为优化准则,寻求在圩内各项除涝排水措施综合作用下,挡潮排水闸的最优布局与规模。

    With the aid of methods of system engineering taking minimum cost as objective function optimum layout and size of sluice gates under the comprehensive action of various kind of measures for removal of excessive rainfall runoff and prevention of waterlogging are also studied .

  23. 该模型能够同时考虑相对密度和有效围压两个因素对材料物态变化的影响,并只用一组材料参数即可描述较大的围压和密度范围内砂土的排水应力应变响应。

    The model takes into account the physical state changes due to changes in the relative density and the effective pressure to represent the constitutive response of sand during drained shearing over a wide range of densities and pressures using a unique set of parameters .

  24. 当前,全国范围内掀起一股排水管理体制改革的浪潮。

    A nationwide drainage management system reform is carrying on at present .

  25. 禁止在池内或周围包括排水栅等处吐痰或小便。

    Spitting or urination in the pool including the drainage gutters is strictly forbidden .

  26. 县城区内道路、给排水等基础设施完善,配套齐全。

    County local roads , water supply and drainage and other infrastructure facilities , fully furnished .

  27. 公司对于下列可更换配件:燃烧器,控制器,内浸管,排水阀等可更换配件提供2年有限质量保证。

    CORPORATION has a 2-year warranty on replaceable parts-Burner , controls , dip tube , drain valve .

  28. 坝体内应有畅通的排水通道,使渗入坝体的水在安全的条件下顺畅的排出坝体三峡右岸一期导流工程混凝土坝体接缝灌浆

    There must be drainage in dam body . Three Gorges Right Bank First-stage River Diversion Concrete Dam Body Joint Grouting

  29. 在《建筑给水排水设计规范》规定的参数范围内,通过对排水立管的计算,绘制了工程设计中常见的卫生器具配置模式下的立管选用表。

    Within the range of parameters required by the Design Norm of Water Supply and Drainage of Buildings a selection table of drainage stack for various apparatus common in engineering design has been provided by means of hydraulic calculation of drainage stack .