
  • 网络Working dog;WORKING GROUP;working line
  1. 工作犬可以牧羊,或在动物保护区里帮忙。

    Working dogs help on sheep farms or game reserves .

  2. BSD是一个真正的工作犬的外观非常稳定的外部与工作特点,结合起来。

    The BSD is a true working dog with great working characteristics , combined with stabilized exterior appearance .

  3. 正确的气质,对作为工作犬的比利时玛利诺犬而言,是其根本特质。

    Correct temperament is essential to the working character of the Belgian Malinois .

  4. 合理的结构&一只工作犬必须有合理的结构。

    Soundness - A working dog must be sound .

  5. 那是关于工作犬的节目。

    The show was about dogs that work .

  6. 喜乐蒂牧羊犬是一种小型的、警惕的、粗毛型的长毛工作犬。

    The Shetland sheepdog is a small , alert , rough-coated , longhaired working dog .

  7. 而言,上述所有例证说明犬的强大本能,它们是工作犬禀性中的重要而必须的构成部分。

    These are all examples of powerful instincts which are important and necessary components of working dog temperament .

  8. 现在的我独立经营一间犬舍,从事着纯种犬和工作犬的培育事业。

    Now I 'm independent ran a kennel , engaged in pure breeds and working dog cultivating career .

  9. 足爪也是所有工作犬的重要特征,不幸的是,这方面还没引起广泛的关注。

    Feet are also a very important aspect of any working dog and unfortunately , this was an area of concern .

  10. 工作犬是培养了来执行某种任务,如警戒、雪橇或救人等。

    Dogs of the Working Group were bred to perform such jobs as guarding property , pulling sleds and performing water rescues .

  11. 目前,德国牧羊犬,荷兰牧羊犬和比利时玛利诺犬已被证明是最好的选择,作为标准地做好军事工作犬。

    Currently the German Shepherd , Dutch Shepherd and Belgian Malinois have proven to be the best choice as the standard military working dog .

  12. 神经型神经型是两个最关键的核心之一,以此构成真正强悍的工作犬。

    A.The Nervous System The nervous system is one of the two most critical components in the core of a truly strong working dog .

  13. 英国品种的小猎犬,毛发直立,呈金属般红黑棕色或灰色,耳下垂。笃宾、西伯利亚雪橇、大丹都属于工作犬,从它们的名字就能看出来。

    English breed of small terrier with a straight wiry red-and-black-and-tan or grizzled coat and dropped ears . The Doberman Pinscher , Siberian Husky and Great Dane are included in this Group , to name just a few .

  14. 指南爱犬训练学校辛勤工作,以配合犬与犬指南据相容的个性。

    Guide dog training schools work very hard to match handlers with guide dogs according to the compatibility of their personalities .