
gōng fēng
  • worker bee
工蜂 [gōng fēng]
  • [worker bee] 蜜蜂中生殖器官发育不完全的雌蜂,身体小,深黄灰色,翅膀长,善于飞行,有毒刺,腹部有分泌蜡质的蜡腺,两只后脚上有花粉篮。工蜂担任修筑蜂巢,采集花粉和花蜜,哺养幼虫和母蜂等工作,不能传种

工蜂[gōng fēng]
  1. 工蜂虫蛹大鼠脑、肝、血中SOD活性和MDA含量的影响

    Effects of Worker Bee Larvae and Pupae on Activities of SOD and Contents of MDA in Rats

  2. 很多商业性的蜜蜂看护者都被一种神秘的称为,蜂巢坍陷障碍CCD的症状所困扰,很多工蜂因此而死去。

    Many commercial beekeepers have been devastated by a mysterious syndrome known ascolony collapse disorder ( CCD ), in which many worker bees vanish .

  3. 蜜蜂由于在蜂群中分工的不同,可分为三种:蜂后、工蜂和雄蜂。

    Honey bees have three castes for the division of labour in a hive : queens , workers and drones .

  4. 这时,老蜂后就会带领一群工蜂离开这个蜂窝。

    Then the old queen and a great number of the working bees leave the hive .

  5. 蜂后与工蜂都长有螫针,可以用于搏斗,雄蜂却没有。

    Both the queen bee and the workers have stings for fighting , but the drones have none .

  6. 工蜂将那些从花朵中采集的花粉(粉末状的黄色微粒)储存在这两个“篮子”里面。

    In these two baskets the working bee stores up the pollen6 , or yellow grains like dust , which it gets from the flowers .

  7. 工蜂负责给幼虫喂食。几天之后,它们便会长出坚硬的皮肤,这就是蛹。

    The larva is fed by the working bees , and in a few days it makes for itself a hard skin , and is called a pupa .

  8. 有些工蜂负责在蜂窝中建造许多六角形的蜡室,另外一些则穿梭在花丛之中,汲取甜美的花蜜并填充到蜡室之中。

    Some of these build a great many little six-sided wax cells within the hive ; while others visit flowers and suck out their sweet juices , or honey , and fill the cells with it .

  9. 结果表明:1、意大利蜜蜂四品系成年工蜂吻长及右翅前翅面积上均存在显著差异(P<0.05),其中澳意工蜂吻最长((?)

    The results showed as follows : 1 There existed significant differences ( P0.05 ) among adult workers of 4 lines in tongue length and right forewing area .

  10. 意蜂工蜂、雄蜂和蜂王的LDH和EST同工酶比较

    Study on LDH and EST isoenzymes of queen bee , Spado and drone of Italian honeybee

  11. 中华蜜蜂(ApisceranaceranaFabricius)工蜂碱性磷酸酶的分离纯化与性质的研究

    Purification and Characterization of Alkaline Phosphatase from Apis Cerana Cerana Fabricius

  12. 研究结果表明:(1)3-12日龄各龄工蜂的头部重量与王浆腺重量均呈强正直线相关,相关系数t检验结果差异极显著(P<0.01);

    The relation between the head weight and the royal gland 's weight of each instar of worker honeybee from 3 to 12 days old is positively interrelated . The relative coefficients were significantly difference by t test ( P0.01 ) .

  13. 结果表明,工蜂、雄蜂和蜂王之间LDH同工酶数目无差异,但活性上存在差异;

    The results showed that among queen bee , spado and drone , the number of LDH isoenzyme band was same but the activity of LDH was different .

  14. 结果表明,巢内CO2体积分数和湿度环境因素改变,引起群内15&20日龄工蜂保幼激素含量提高和血淋巴中K+/Na+降低,从而使蜂群表现出调控蜜蜂性比行为。

    The results showed that the changes of temperature and concentration of CO2 in colony could heighten juvenile hormone and depress of K + / Na + in 15 ~ 20 day ages worker honeybee , thereby the colony had behavior to control honeybee sex ratio .

  15. 东方蜜蜂在受惊扰后,每次参加攻击的工蜂平均个体数为38只,攻击时间为1.37min,追逐的距离为22m;

    For A. cerana colony , after each of the stimuli , on the average , 38 worker bees come to attacking , attacking time lasted 1.37 min , the pursuing distance is 22 meters ;

  16. 通过对中华蜜蜂工蜂的幼虫、蛹及成虫的蕈形体形态发育的观察研究,发现中华蜜蜂的蕈形体包含约1000个成神经细胞,它们最终形成了蕈形体的所有Kenyon细胞。

    Our studies , by using the Hematoxylin and eosin staining technique , show that the brain of a developing honey bee ( Apis cerana cerana ) contains approximately 1 000 neuroblasts which finally develop to the mushroom body intrinsic neurons ( Kenyon cells ) .

  17. 影响工蜂劳动分工的因素相当复杂,主要包括:工蜂的日龄、保幼激素(JH)浓度、遗传基因、遗传-环境互作和蜂王上颚腺信息素(QMP)等。

    While the related regulation and control which affect honeybee 's division of labor is complexity , probably included several major factors : honeybee 's age , juvenile hormone ( JH ), genotype , genotype-environment interactions and queen mandibular gland pheromone ( QMP ) .

  18. 生物行为变化研究的新模式&工蜂

    Honey bee workers are a model system to study organism behavioral changes

  19. 影响中华蜜蜂工蜂王浆腺活性的因素

    Factors influencing the hypopharyngeal gland activity in the workers of Apis cerana

  20. 这不是工蜂,因其无螯刺。

    This is not a worker bee , it has no sting .

  21. 工蜂的口粮则是由蜂蜜和花粉稀释了的王浆。

    Workers ' rations are diluted with honey and pollen .

  22. 9日龄工蜂舌腺处在分泌活性状态。

    9-day old worker honeybee 's hypopharyngeal glands are in secretion stage .

  23. 蜂王信息素对工蜂卵巢发育影响的研究进展

    The Effect of Queen Pheromones on Worked Bee Ovary Development

  24. 成年工蜂用咀嚼过的掠食喂养幼虫。

    Adult worker hornets feed the masticated prey flesh to the larvae .

  25. “要知道我可不是工蜂”

    " And know that I 'm no worker bee "

  26. 工蜂为繁殖幼蜂的蜂王供食。

    Worker bees provide food for the queen bee which produces young .

  27. 雌工蜂承担了大部分的工作。

    Female " worker " bees do the majority of the work .

  28. 工蜂脚上有装花粉的小“篮子”。

    The workers have little pollen baskets on their legs .

  29. 结果表明,工蜂体内保幼激素酯酶活性随着日龄的增大而下降。

    The results showed that the JHE activity decreased as workers age added .

  30. 遗传-环境互作影响工蜂的防卫行为;

    Genotype-environment interaction affects the defensive behavior of honeybee .