
  • 网络snapping turtle;chelydra;Chelydra serpentina;alligator snapping turtle
  1. 一只鳄龟用后抓在沙土里挖了一个洞。

    A snapping turtle digs a hole in the sandy soil with her back claws .

  2. 鳄龟的市场走向

    Common snapping turtle marketplace trend

  3. 该事件在今年三月发生后,那只鳄龟因被认为是一种入侵物种而被“安乐死”。

    After the incident in March the turtle was " humanely euthanized " as it is considered an invasive species .

  4. 在学生面前用一只生病的小狗喂一只鳄龟之后,一名美国教师已经遭到了指控。

    An American schoolteacher has been charged after allegedly feeding a sick puppy to a snapping turtle in front of his students .

  5. 在我国黄河中游流域自然水域中已发现了鳄龟、佛罗里达鳖,这是一个危险且值得高度警惕的信号。

    The crocodile , Florida soft-shelled turtle in natural waters of China 's Yellow River basin were found , it was a dangerous and highly alert signal .

  6. 鳄龟箱式高密度高产生态养殖技术研究网箱养鳜对环境的影响及水体承载力研究

    Study on the Technology of Intensive Cage Culture of Chelydra serpentina Effects of the Mandarin Fish Cage Culture on the Environment and the Carrying Capacity of the Water Body

  7. 一些鳄龟寿命居住长达47年,也很常见,但是野生的寿命一般在30年左右。

    Some common snapping turtles have lived for up to 47 years in captivity , but the lifespan of those in the wild is estimated to be around 30 years .

  8. 采用2种不同的方法从诱导后的稚鳄龟组织内分离抗菌肽,其中5%乙酸浸提法成功地分离出了具有抗菌活性的抗菌肽粗提物。

    Two methods were used to separating the antimicrobial peptides after the abduction from young Chelydra serpentina and the rough extract of antimicrobial peptides with bioactivity were extracted successfully in 5 % acetic acid .

  9. 白颔鳄龟,还有一些其他的龟类,经历过一段比较棘手的进化过程:因为他们这些海龟,走路慢,又没有什么可以防身的武器,所以他们更宁愿藏在深水中,从而可以避免冲突。

    White-throated snapping turtles - as well as other turtle species - faced a tricky evolutionary challenge : They 're turtles . Slow of foot and short of weapons , these animals prefer to avoid confrontation by hiding underwater .