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  • crocodile skin
  1. 那是真正的鳄鱼皮。

    That was real crocodile skin .

  2. 这款破纪录的手提包是一款独一无二的爱马仕(Hermès)Birkin包,材质为猩红色鳄鱼皮,和独有的黄白相间镶钻18K金金属构件。

    The record-breaking bag , a one-of-a-kind Herm è s Birkin , was crafted from scarlet-dyed crocodile skin and featured diamond-encrusted white and yellow 18-carat gold hardware fittings .

  3. 她穿着一件ColdwaterCreek的仿香奈儿上装,Jones的衬衫,Gap的仔裤和一双鳄鱼皮的高跟鞋。

    She arrived wearing a Chanel-inspired blazer from Coldwater Creek , a Jones blouse , Gap jeans and a pair of alligator-patterned pumps .

  4. 与TheRow相比,芬迪(Fendi)也不甘示弱,推出价值3.4万美元的3Jours鳄鱼皮系列,这是一款两侧向外呈三角形的包包,提手在意大利制造。

    Fendi 's not far behind The Row with its $ 34000 3Jours Alligator Shopper , a flared gusset tote with top handles made in Italy .

  5. 国际著名服装品牌拉夫·劳伦(RalphLauren)也推出了一款鳄鱼皮包包,售价2.95万美元,这是一款抽绳斜跨包,小牛皮内衬,配有特色木锁。

    Ralph Lauren makes an alligator bag , too , selling a $ 29500 drawstring crossbody that 's lined with calfskin and features a wooden lock .

  6. 我的朋友墨菲(Murphy)有她祖母的花押字鳄鱼皮Asprey包,40年代的包还很时髦。

    My friend Murphy has her grandmother 's monogrammed crocodile Asprey bag from the 1940s and it 's very chic .

  7. 圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)的SacDeJour鳄鱼皮小手提包,比3Jours仅仅便宜几百美元,价格为3.35万美元,包包内设三个隔层。

    Only a few hundred dollars less than that is Saint Laurent 's Sac De Jour Small Alligator Tote , a $ 33500 structured piece that has three separate compartments inside .

  8. 哈罗德(harrods)里漂亮的nancygonzalez鳄鱼皮手提包,每周都会诱惑我一次,几十年后它肯定会看起来更棒。

    The glossy Nancy Gonzalez crocodile tote in Harrods , which beckons to me on a weekly basis , would certainly look even better in a few decades .

  9. 其价格超过了一辆新款的梅赛德斯·奔驰(Mercedes)汽车,也比乘游艇环游世界的花费更高。该款CitySteamer的特色是:真鳄鱼皮制作、牛皮内衬、雕刻挂锁、配有名牌及烫印的LV标志。

    More expensive than a new Mercedes and costlier than a cruise around the world , the City Steamer features genuine alligator skin , cowhide lining , an engraved padlock , a nametag , and a hot-stamped LV Circle .

  10. 正值假日购物旺季,为吸引少数的富有顾客,路易威登(LouisVuitton)推出了该品牌迄今为止最贵的手提包:一款价值5.5万美元(约35万人民币)的鳄鱼皮手袋。

    Just in time for holiday shopping - for an incredibly small selection of uber-wealthy customers - Louis Vuitton has unveiled its most expensive handbag of the moment : a $ 55000 alligator skin purse .

  11. 也许是受法国品牌专卖氛围的影响,玛莉·凯特与艾希莉·欧森(Mary-KateandAshleyOlsen)在2011年以惊人的价格推出TheRow品牌的首款鳄鱼皮背包,售价为3.9万美元,这款包包现在仍有在售。

    Perhaps inspired by the French brand 's air of exclusivity , Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen set jaws dropping in 2011 when they debuted their $ 39000 crocodile backpack for The Row , which is still available for purchase .

  12. 今年夏天,数名来自动物权益保护组织——善待动物组织(PETA)的成员,潜入一家为爱马仕提供鳄鱼皮的‘短吻鳄工厂’做卧底,将这些鳄鱼所处的极糟糕的环境曝光。

    This summer , members of the animal rights group PETA went undercover at an ' alligator factory ' that provides skins for Hermes , exposing that the creatures were kept in terrible conditions .

  13. 即便你应聘的是时尚行业的工作,最好也不要穿着从Net-a-Porter网站购买的StellaMcCartney最新款礼服,背着亮粉色的爱马仕鳄鱼皮铂金包。

    Even if you 're going for a job in fashion , it 's best not to turn up in the latest Stella McCartney dress and a bright pink crocodile Hermes Birkin fresh from Net-a-Porter .

  14. 宝缇嘉(BottegaVeneta)最高档的包包,是一款名为Edoardo的烟熏软鳄鱼皮罗马包,售价2.96万美元,当然,该款包包同样由鳄鱼皮制作而成。

    Bottega Veneta 's most upscale bag , a $ 29600 Edoardo Soft Crocodile Fume Roma Bag , is of course made of crocodile leather as well .

  15. Prada广告中浅提手的深褐色鳄鱼皮手提包,每天都向我呼唤数次,广告里一个女人靠在车的里面,压根不需要其他任何东西陪在身旁。

    The call of the shallow-handled cocoa croc tote in the Prada advertisements , where a woman reclines in the interior of a car , requiring no other kind of company at all , comes to me several times a day .

  16. 谁从那里来,还喜欢穿鳄鱼皮?

    You know Anye from there who might like wearing reptile ?

  17. 如鳄鱼皮制品,主要来自人工养殖的鳄鱼。

    Such as crocodile leather products , mainly from farmed crocodiles .

  18. 目前我正在经历巧克力色鳄鱼皮阶段。

    I 'm going through a chocolate crocodile phase at the moment .

  19. 一个鳄鱼皮小牛皮平板电脑保护套价格为8250美元。

    An alligator and calfskin tablet case costs $ 8,250 .

  20. 仿短吻鳄鱼皮钱包;

    Mary janes of alligator-grained leather a purse of simulated alligator hide ;

  21. 织皮以及稀罕材质,如美洲鳄鱼皮,将极受青睐。

    Woven leathers , and odd textures like alligator will be very popular .

  22. 这些鳄鱼皮的使用也引发了争议。

    The use of these skins is also controversial .

  23. 浅谈鳄鱼皮的种类、结构、贮存及制革工艺

    Study on the Sorts , Framework , Reserving and Tanning Technology of Crocodile Skin

  24. 这个手提包是用鳄鱼皮做的。

    The purse is made of crocodile skin .

  25. 泰国鳄鱼皮制品,包括:鳄鱼皮带、鳄鱼皮钱包等;

    Thailand 's crocodile skin products , including : crocodile belts , crocodile leather wallets ;

  26. 在她的身后,悬挂着数十件色彩绚丽的鳄鱼皮和其他皮料。

    Behind her hung dozens of crocodile skins and leathers in a rainbow of colors .

  27. 例如书皮纸或纸板用皮革.麻布.鳄鱼皮纹理;

    For example , leather , linen , crocodile texture for cover paper and boards ;

  28. 鳄鱼皮制革工艺的研究

    Study on technology of crocodile leather manufacture

  29. 如果你对鳄鱼皮手袋兴味索然,就试试水钻头冠吧。

    If you 're not tempted by the alligator handbags , try a rhinestone tiara .

  30. 除牛皮,鳄鱼皮和蛇皮外,鸵鸟皮也是马靴原料。

    Besides cow leather , crocodile , snake , and ostrich skin are also used .