
  • 网络mutare;backguard;Mutare District
  1. 然后他被驱动高速穆塔雷,他被锁在没有逮捕令,并否认律师了几个小时。

    He was then driven at high speed to Mutare where he was locked up without an arrest warrant and denied lawyers for several hours .

  2. 在津巴布韦东部的马尼卡兰省,争取民主变革运动在当地的省主席说,在马尼卡兰首府穆塔雷以南90公里的地方,有一群教师失踪了。

    In eastern Zimbabwe , the chairman of the MDC 's Manicaland province reports a group of teachers had disappeared 90 kilometers south of the provincial capital Mutare .