
  • 网络moody's rating;Moody’s rating;Moody"s rating
  1. 然而,评级机构已经指出:“软重组”或者说重新购回或者取消未偿还债券(穆迪评级(Moody)称之为“隐性重组”),会被算作不履行义务的表现,并且会造成希腊评级的进一步下降。

    But the ratings agencies have said that such a " soft restructuring , " or even the buyback and cancellation of outstanding bonds ( which Moody 's calls a " restructuring by stealth " ) , would count as a default and lead to further cuts in Greece 's rating .

  2. 穆迪信用评级服务公司表示抗击埃博拉一役将为国家预算带来压力,而商业上的放缓将使得税收及每个国家的年度GDP增长减少。

    Moody 's credit rating service says the costs of fighting Ebola will strain national budgets , while the slowdown in commerce will cut tax revenues and could make measurable cuts in each country 's annual GDP growth .

  3. 前天,鉴于市政府在现金上捉襟见肘,穆迪投资评级机构将底特律所欠的25亿美元降级处理。

    The day before , Moody 's had downgraded more than $ 2.5 billion of the city 's debt , citing its lack of cash .

  4. 国外有很多专门的信用风险评估机构对公司或企业的信用风险进行全面的评级,如美国著名的穆迪信用评级公司、标准普尔公司和费奇公司。

    Many special credit risks appraisal agencies carry on overall credit risks grading of the company or enterprises in abroad , for instance , famous Moody credit rating Company , Standard and Poor company .

  5. 上个月,穆迪接受信贷评级监督。

    Last month Moody 's put its credit rating under surveillance .

  6. 债券交易员表示,穆迪下调日本评级并会令人惊讶。

    Bond traders said Moody 's downgrade of Japan was not a surprise .

  7. 穆迪调高评级的过程现在大约已进行了一半。

    It is now about halfway through the upgrades .

  8. 在穆迪下调葡萄牙评级之后,欧元区市场遭受重创。

    Eurozone markets were hit hard following the downgrade .

  9. 这三大信用评级公司主要包括标准普尔,穆迪投资和芬奇评级。

    The " big three " are Standard 's & Poor 's , Moody 's Investor Services and Fitch Ratings .

  10. 穆迪负责美国债务评级的高级分析师史蒂文·赫斯表示,如果美国长期不采取行动削减支出或增加税收,穆迪将只能下调对美国主权债务的评级前景。

    Moody 's outlook would only be dropped if Washington takes no action at all to trim spending or raise taxes over the long term , said Steven Hess , Moody 's lead analyst for the United States debt rating .

  11. 穆迪表示,调降评级展望是因为希腊退出单一货币的可能性提高,以及欧元区困难国家需要强大成员国提供更多财务援助。

    The rating agency said the outlook had changed because of both the increased likelihood of an exit by Greece from the single currency and the need for greater financial support for struggling eurozone countries from the strongest members of the bloc .