- 网络moody's rating;Moody’s rating;Moody"s rating

But the ratings agencies have said that such a " soft restructuring , " or even the buyback and cancellation of outstanding bonds ( which Moody 's calls a " restructuring by stealth " ) , would count as a default and lead to further cuts in Greece 's rating .
Moody 's credit rating service says the costs of fighting Ebola will strain national budgets , while the slowdown in commerce will cut tax revenues and could make measurable cuts in each country 's annual GDP growth .
The day before , Moody 's had downgraded more than $ 2.5 billion of the city 's debt , citing its lack of cash .
Many special credit risks appraisal agencies carry on overall credit risks grading of the company or enterprises in abroad , for instance , famous Moody credit rating Company , Standard and Poor company .
Last month Moody 's put its credit rating under surveillance .
Bond traders said Moody 's downgrade of Japan was not a surprise .
It is now about halfway through the upgrades .
Eurozone markets were hit hard following the downgrade .
The " big three " are Standard 's & Poor 's , Moody 's Investor Services and Fitch Ratings .
Moody 's outlook would only be dropped if Washington takes no action at all to trim spending or raise taxes over the long term , said Steven Hess , Moody 's lead analyst for the United States debt rating .
The rating agency said the outlook had changed because of both the increased likelihood of an exit by Greece from the single currency and the need for greater financial support for struggling eurozone countries from the strongest members of the bloc .