
  • 网络Google map;Googlemap;google earth
  1. 比如,谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)早就已经支持公共交通路线。

    Google Maps has long had public transit directions , for instance .

  2. 当谷歌地图使用者搜索时敲入字母‘n’,下拉列表会自动显示白宫。

    Google Maps users are redirected to the White House when they type in variations of the n-word .

  3. 谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)的搜索速度堪称实时;

    Google Maps ( GOOG ) search was instantaneous .

  4. 如果你到了一个陌生的城市,谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)会很有用。

    If you 're in an unfamiliar city , Google Maps is helpful ;

  5. 当你的司机按照GPS指示前往目的地时,用的也是谷歌地图。

    When your driver is following GPS directions to your destination , that 's Google Maps too .

  6. 但现在情况不同了,去年11月,《科学》(Science)杂志在谷歌地图引擎的帮助下,发布了首张2000至2012年的高分辨率全球森林变化图。

    That changed last November when Science magazine published the first high-resolution maps of global forest change from 2000 to 2012 , powered by Google Earth Engine .

  7. 最初的iphone谷歌地图应用是由苹果设计的。

    The original Google Maps app for iPhone had been designed by apple .

  8. 内置的GPS传感器可以识别你的起始地点,随后谷歌地图导航工具会帮你选择最佳路线。

    A built-in GPS will determine the wearer 's starting location while the Google Maps navigation tool will help chart the best route .

  9. 总有一天,GoogleBody能向医疗保健行业卖广告;而谷歌地图中将出现本地广告,向用户提供附近的特价信息。

    And in time , Google body could serve ads for health care , or maps could include local ads that notify users of nearby bargains .

  10. 你会在安卓或者iOS上装谷歌地图这个应用软件吗?

    Will you leverage the Google Maps app on Android or iOS ?

  11. 除了这个明了、清爽的主视图外,iPhone版谷歌地图简化了其他一些功能。

    In addition to this clear , clean , main view , Google Maps for iPhone simplifies other functions .

  12. Uber的后台系统由谷歌地图支持。

    Uber 's backend systems are powered by Google Maps .

  13. 谷歌地图引擎(GoogleEarthEngine)的工程经理瑞贝卡o摩尔介绍道:我们的目标是助力最好的大数据分析技术,以催生新颖的见解并且促进行动。

    Our goal is to turbo-charge the best science on massive data to create novel insights and drive action , said Rebecca Moore , engineering manager for Google Earth Engine .

  14. 你在PC电脑、苹果电脑和安卓手机等设备上使用谷歌地图时保存或分享过的位置记录将与此处的信息自动同步。

    These are automatically synced with places you 've saved and shared via Google Maps on other devices , such as PCs and Macs , or Android phones 。

  15. 自iPhone和iPad上市那一天起,苹果一直在设备上捆绑安装更成熟的谷歌地图。

    Apple had bundled the more seasoned Google Maps app with iPhones and iPads since the devices ' initial introduction .

  16. 苹果地图于2012年发布,取代了iOS上的谷歌地图。

    Apple Maps was released in 2012 as a replacement to Google Maps on iOS .

  17. 然后谷歌地图开始寻找,满足这些条件的从A地到B地最短路径,还有很多这样的例子,明天我们会再复习一遍这些内容。

    And it tries to find the shortest way , subject to those constraints , to get from Point A to Point B.And there are many , many other instances of this kind of thing .

  18. 此前,对于是否将在苹果商店(AppleStore)里提供可单独下载的用于iPhone或iPad的谷歌地图,谷歌高管一直不愿对此明确表态。

    Google executives had been coy about whether they would make Google Maps available as a separately downloadable app for iPhones and iPads in the Apple Store .

  19. 苹果正在改进它的地图应用,但就目前来看,我还是推荐iPhone用户使用谷歌地图。

    Apple is already improving its competing app , but for now , iPhone users , my recommendation is to go with Google Maps 。

  20. 韩国政府原本就以安全理由对谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)进行了限制,所以利用谷歌地图数据的《精灵宝可梦Go》无法使用。

    South Korea 's government already restricts Google Maps for security reasons , so Pok é mon Go - which uses the data to populate its own maps - wouldn 't work anyway .

  21. 这款4G手机可以安装谷歌地图、脸书、推特等多款应用程序。

    The 8110 comes with 4G , and a handful of apps including Google Maps , Facebook and Twitter .

  22. 通过谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)提供的具体方位信息,车手可以轻击或重击袖口来发送大约何时到家的短信。

    They can then tapor swipe their sleeve to send a text saying what time they are likely to arrivehome - drawn from data on their location via Google Maps .

  23. 它并不完美,但与我所用过的所有其他iPhone地图应用以及安卓版谷歌地图相比,我都更喜欢它。

    It isn 't perfect , but I prefer it to any other iPhone Maps app I 've used , and to Google Maps on Android .

  24. 苹果的地图仍然内置在iPhone中,而新的免费谷歌地图必须通过苹果的应用程序商店下载。

    Apple 's version is still bolted into the phone , and the new , free Google app must be downloaded from Apple 's app store .

  25. 在Android平台,谷歌地图是当之无愧的老大,高达67%的用户每月至少要访问谷歌地图一次。

    On Android phones , Google maps was the No. 1 app , with 67 percent of all users accessing it at least once that month .

  26. 优步还准备在绘制地图方面投入5亿美元,该公司试图绘制更精准的地图,减少对谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)的依赖。

    The company is also preparing to spend half a billion dollars on its mapping efforts as it seeks to build more accurate maps and reduce its dependence on Google Maps .

  27. 比如,当你走在大街上时,Goggles眼镜可以根据你的GPS定位(全球定位系统)为你列出相关的谷歌地图信息。

    For example , when walking along the street , the Google Goggles would be able to display Google Maps information based on your GPS location .

  28. 因为苹果公司出售的每一步手机都包含谷歌地图,YouTube,和默认的谷歌搜索引擎。

    Because every phone Apple sells includes Google maps , and Youtube , and the Iphone 's default search engine is Google .

  29. 当你加载Uber应用,并标示搭车地点时,用的就是谷歌地图。

    When you load up Uber 's app and drop a pin for a pickup , that 's Google Maps .

  30. 但当用户改用苹果地图后,大家又开始抱怨并抗议iOS系统的地图远不及谷歌地图好用。

    But once users switched over , the complaints and outcries that the iOS app was far inferior to Google Maps mushroomed .