
  • 网络tanizaki junichiro
  1. 从谷崎润一郎(JunichiroTanizaki)1933年的一篇美学文章《阴翳礼赞》(InPraiseofShadows)受到启发,肖托在她使用的原物料中努力保持侘寂的元素。

    Inspired by Jun'ichiro Tanizaki 's 1933 essay on aesthetics , " In Praise of Shadows , " Shorto worked to maintain the element of wabi-sabithat she encountered in the originals .

  2. 正是在这种背景下,谷崎润一郎对中国产生了诸多误读。

    It is in this context , Tanizaki on China a lot of misunderstanding .

  3. 本文正是通过以上三个层次的讨论,来逐步探讨谷崎润一郎对中国的误读。

    It is through these three levels of discussion gradually explore Tanizaki misreading of China .

  4. 谷崎润一郎(1886&1965)是日本的近代文学大师。

    Tanizaki Jun ' ichirou ( 1886 - 1965 ) is a modern literary master in Japan .

  5. 异域之美的接受者&论田汉与谷崎润一郎的关系

    Recipient of the Beauty of the Other Country & On the Relationship between Tian Han and Tanizaki

  6. 在东西方文化产生冲突时,谷崎润一郎一度徘徊在东西文化的选择中。

    East-West cultural conflict , Tanizaki was hovering in the selection of the Eastern and Western cultures .

  7. 事实上,20世纪20、30年代的欧阳予倩的戏剧创作,无论从思想上,还是艺术手法上,也都曾受到谷崎润一郎的影响。

    In fact , Ouyang Yuqian 's dramatic writings in the1920s and1930s were influenced by Tanizaki either ideologically or artistically , also .

  8. 谷崎润一郎初登日本文坛时,日本文艺界正热火朝天地追求西洋情趣,谷崎润一郎对西方唯美主义产生了憧憬和崇拜,但他同时也无法割舍对中国传统文化的热爱。

    When the the Tanizaki debut Japanese literature , Japanese literature and art are in full swing to the pursuit of Western taste , Tanizaki Western aestheticism vision and worship , but he also can not give up the love of traditional Chinese culture .