
gǔ zāi chún
  • sitosterol;sitosterin
谷甾醇[gǔ zāi chún]
  1. 以米糠为原料,在水稻化工厂“4联产”或“9联产”等多联产技术系统中生产谷甾醇,其利润空间较大。

    With rice bran as raw material , production of sitosterin in multi-joint-products technological system as " 4-joint-products " or " 9-joint-products " project of paddy rice chemical factories will enjoy a relatively larger profit margin .

  2. HPLC测定食用菜籽油中β-谷甾醇的含量

    Analysis of β - sitosterol in Edibile Oil with HPLC

  3. 实验结果表明,以环己酮为溶剂,混合植物甾醇经过3次分级结晶后,b谷甾醇含量达到87%;以环己酮或正戊醇为溶剂,通过5次重结晶后,豆甾醇含量达到92%。

    The experimental results show that the content of b-sitosterol is more than 87 % after the third fractional crystallization in cyclohexanone and the content of stigmasterol is more than 92 % after the fifth crystallization in n-pentanol or cyclohexanone .

  4. 本方法相对标准差为1.1%~6.9%;菜油甾醇、豆甾醇、β-谷甾醇的回收率的RSD值范围为3.0%~4.7%。

    The results showed that the RSD of this method was ranged from 1.1 % to 6.9 % and the RSD of recovery ranged from 3.0 % to 4.7 % .

  5. 结果:从青葙子乙醇提取物的石油醚部位分离得到化合物1~3,分别鉴定为β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol)、棕榈酸(Palmiticacid)、豆甾醇(stigmasterol);

    Results : From the petrol-ether fraction of the EtOH extract of Semen Celosiae , 3 compounds were isolated and identified as β - si-tosterol ( 1 ), palmitic acid ( 2 ) and stigmasterol ( 3 ) .

  6. 实验结果表明,混合植物甾醇及其乙酸酯的响应时间在25min以内,且各种甾醇及其酯的分离效果较好,采用峰面积归一法能够快速准确地测定混合甾醇中豆甾醇乙酸酯和β谷甾醇乙酸酯的含量。

    The experimental results showed that phytosterol acetates could be separated within 25 minutes and determined accurately by the peak-area normalization method .

  7. 样品中游离氨基酸和KNO3含量分别为42.30mg/100g和3.0%,用柱色谱分离鉴定了十八烷、软脂酸、β-谷甾醇、p-香豆酸和KNO3。

    The dissociated amino acids and KNO3 in the sample amounted to 43.30mg/100g and 3.0 % . Five compounds were isolated and elucidated as octadecane , hexadecylic acid , β - sitosterol , p-coumaric acid and potasium nitrate .

  8. 得到两个含量较高的单体化合物为β-谷甾醇(48.0mg)和尿囊素(465.7mg),为火龙果籽的进一步开发利用提供了科学实验依据。

    The two high levels compounds were identified as β - sitosterol ( 48.0mg ) and allantoin ( 465.7mg ), which will provide a scientific experimental basis to further development and utilization of pitaya seeds .

  9. 塔尔油中提取β-谷甾醇的工艺研究

    Process study on isolation of β - sitosterol from tall oil

  10. 酿酒葡萄及其葡萄酒中β-谷甾醇的初探

    Study on β - Sitosterol in Grape and Grape Wine

  11. 混合植物甾醇中豆甾醇和β-谷甾醇的高效液相色谱分析

    HPLC Analysis of Stigmasterol and β - Sitosterol in Phytosterols

  12. 裸燕麦麸皮中β-谷甾醇的提取

    Study of the Extraction of β - sitosterol in Bare Oat Bran

  13. -谷甾醇,其含量占正己烷提取物重量的0.36%。

    The yield of ? ? sitosterol is 0.36 % in n-hexane extracts .

  14. 从甘蔗皮及渣中提取β-谷甾醇

    Isolation of β - Sitosterol From the Skin and Bagasse of Sugar Cane

  15. β-谷甾醇/菜油甾醇与月桂酸酯化反应动力学研究

    Study on esterification kinetics of β - sitosterol / campesterol with lauric acid

  16. 植物油中主要含有谷甾醇、豆甾醇、菜油甾醇等多种植物甾醇。大豆油多元醇的制备和应用研究进展

    Progress of Preparation and Application of Soybean Oil-based Polyol

  17. 有机相脂肪酶催化合成共轭亚油酸β-谷甾醇酯的研究

    Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of β - sitosterol ester with conjugated linoleic acid in organic solvent

  18. 结晶法分离精制混合植物甾醇中β-谷甾醇和豆甾醇

    Separation and Purification of Stigmasterol and β - Sitosterol from Phytosterol by the Crystallization Method

  19. 双波长薄层扫描法测定巴戟天β&谷甾醇含量

    A Dual-wavelength TLC-densitometric Method for the Determination of β - Sitosterol m Morinda officinalis How

  20. β谷甾醇是芫花中具有强烈杀虫活性的组分之一。

    β - sitosterol is one of activity components of insecticidal in the Daphne genkwa .

  21. β-谷甾醇与马来酸酐酯化产物的表征及高效液相色谱分析

    Characterization and analysis by HPLC of the esterified product of β - sitosterol with maleic anhydride

  22. 应用高效液相色谱对豆甾醇乙酸酯、β谷甾醇乙酸酯和混合甾醇乙酸酯进行了分析测定;

    Stigmasterol acetate , β - sitosterol acetate and mixed phytosterol acetates were analyzed by HPLC .

  23. 4翅果油中植物甾醇的组成如下:β-谷甾醇,82.34%;

    The composition of phytosterol in Samara Oil is as follows : β - sitosterol , 82.34 % ;

  24. 结果表明,两种组分均主要含有豆甾醇和β-谷甾醇以及少量菜油甾醇物质。

    The results showed that they both are containing stigmasterol ,β - sitosterol , and small quantities of campesterol .

  25. 在鉴定的化合物中,除β-谷甾醇、β-胡萝卜甙和D-甘露糖醇外,其余11种化合物的农用杀菌活性为首次报道。

    The fungicidal activities of those compouds were firstly reported except β - sitosterol 、β - daucosterol and D-mannitol .

  26. 从萃余物中提取出粗植物甾醇,粗植物甾醇经进一步的精制得到高纯度的β-谷甾醇。

    Besides , this dissertation also studied extraction and refinement of phytosterol , and got the high purity β - sitosterol .

  27. 谷甾醇葡萄糖苷和卞泽双重修饰肝实质细胞靶向阳性脂质体介导的基因转染和抗乙肝病毒作用

    Transfection and anti-HBV effect mediated by the hepatocytes-targeting cationic liposomes co-modified with β - sitosterol - β - D-glucoside and Brij 35

  28. 确定了9种化合物的结构,其中豆甾醇、β-谷甾醇、壬二酸等为首次在本属真菌中分离得到。

    Nine compounds structure were identified , stigmasterol ,β - sterol , azelaic acid were also obtained from this genus the first time .

  29. 实验结果表明:β-谷甾醇与马来酸酐发生酯化反应,产物为β-谷甾醇马来酸单酯;

    The experimental results show that mono - β - sitosteryl maleate is the only esterified product of β - sitosterol with maleic anhydride .

  30. 再经皂化、提取不皂化物,不皂化物以GC/MSD检测,鉴定其中的主要成分是β-谷甾醇。

    After saponification , non - saponifiable matter was extracted . GC / MSD identification showed that the principal composition was β - sitosterol .