
shēn bào
  • report to a higher body;declare sth.;declaration
申报 [shēn bào]
  • [report to a higher body] 向上级或有关部门提出书面报告

  • 申报地价

申报[shēn bào]
  1. 她填写了一张费用申报单,她的经理批准了。

    She filled in an expenses claim and her manager OK 'd it .

  2. 你有什么要申报的吗?

    Do you have anything to declare ?

  3. 所有收益必须申报。

    All income must be declared .

  4. 一切收入均应申报。

    No income should remain undeclared .

  5. 一切非劳动所得的收入都要申报。

    Declare all unearned income .

  6. 半数以上的家庭申报收入超过35,000英镑。

    More than half of all households report incomes above £ 35,000

  7. 他因为在纳税申报表上作假而被定罪。

    He was convicted of filing false income tax returns

  8. 他没有呈报1982年的纳税申报单。

    He failed to file tax returns for 1982

  9. 必须在这张表格上申报你的收入。

    Your income must be declared on this form

  10. 任何在税务方面情况稍微复杂的人都可能要填写税收申报表。

    Anyone with slight complications in their tax affairs is likely to be asked to fill in a return .

  11. 她没有什么要申报的,便开始进入绿色通道,结果就在这时被拦住了。

    She had nothing to declare , and was starting to go through the ' Green ' channel when she was stopped .

  12. 他申报了新买的瑞士表并纳税5英镑。

    He declared his new Swiss watch and had to pay £ . 5 .

  13. 你有什么东西要申报吗?

    Have you anything to declare ?

  14. 你没向他们申报这台电视机吗?

    Didn 't you declare the TV set to them ?

  15. 你最好向那位官员申报这些钻石。

    You 'd better declare the diamonds to the official .

  16. 请书面申报你在国外购买的全部物品。

    Please make a written declaration of all the goods you bought abroad .

  17. 请出示您的海关申报表和健康申明卡。

    Our customs and health declaration forms , please .

  18. 出国人员必须向海关申报其携带出境的外币。

    Those going abroad must declare the amount of foreign currency they are taking with them .

  19. 海关凭原入境申报单查验放行。

    Customs clearance shall be based on inspection of the original declaration made at the time of entry .

  20. 我需要申报吗?

    Do I need to declare that ?

  21. 丢失证件的,应当申报补领。

    those who have lost their identity cards shall report the loss and apply for new ones .

  22. 逾期未申报债权的,视为放弃债权。

    Creditors who fail to lodge their claims during the respective periods shall be deemed to have abandoned their rights .

  23. 海关总署对检出阳性的境外食品生产企业实施暂停其产品进口申报一周到四周的紧急预防性措施。在口岸环节开展预防性消毒工作

    As part of emergency preventive measures , the GAC suspends import declarations of foreign food makers whose products test positive for one to four weeks .

  24. �居民身份证有效期满或者登记内容有变更、更正或者证件严重损坏不能辨认时,应当按照规定申报换领新证;

    When the term of validity of a resident identity card has expired , or the items registered in it need be modified or corrected , or the card has been so seriously damaged that what is registered becomes illegible with a new card according to the relevant provisions ;

  25. 作为一套完整的Internet安全解决方案,数字证书技术在各种电子政务网上申报系统中已经逐步得到应用。

    As a complete set of Internet security solutions , digital certificate of e-government technology in online application system has gradually been applied .

  26. 基于ActiveX数据对象的灌区用水申报软件设计

    Database Design for Water Order Information Based on ActiveX Data Objects

  27. ·申报数据的描述与解析。分析了传统HTML语言存在的局限性,本系统使用XML语言来描述存储申报数据。

    The thesis analyzed the limitation of the traditional HTML language and this system used XML to describe and save filing data .

  28. 利用XML对网上纳税申报数据接口进行标准化,以XML语言来描述交换中的申报数据,来解决网上纳税申报过程中数据格式不统一问题。

    Used XML to standardize the data interface , and describes the declaration data by the XML , to solve the data format unification question in on-line tax declaration process .

  29. 该软件用于辅助管理单位进行水量申报的管理工作,能够访问Access数据库,读取相应数据,计算各个时刻的需水量,并确定应缴纳的水费。

    This software can be used in the water order information management through visiting Microsoft Access database , retrieving the ordering information , calculating the water demand at given time , and determining the corresponding water fees .

  30. 大学将于选聘期间要求应徵者出示有关第II,III及IV部份所申报之学历证书及工作经验证明文件以供核对。

    Applicants will be required to produce documentary evidence pertaining to the qualifications and working experience ( where appropriate ) in Sections II , III & IV for verification .