
shēn qǐng
  • apply for;ask for;make official request;application;subscribe;put in
申请 [shēn qǐng]
  • [apply for;make official requist] 向上级或有关部门申述理由,请求批准

  • 申请调动工作

申请[shēn qǐng]
  1. 居住五年后可申请公民资格。

    You can apply for citizenship after five years ' residency .

  2. 申请科研补助金按常规应该怎么办?

    What 's the form when you apply for a research grant ?

  3. 我们申请资金目前进展状况如何?

    What is the current status of our application for funds ?

  4. 申请表应不迟于6月7日交回。

    The application form is returnable not later than 7th June .

  5. 这个国家申请成为欧洲联盟的正式成员。

    The country applied for full membership of the European Union .

  6. 最迟须于下星期一递交申请书。

    Applications should be in by next Monday at the latest .

  7. 有许多求职者申请这份工作。

    There were a large number of candidates for the job .

  8. 申请做教学工作的人数越来越少。

    The number of applicants for teaching posts has tapered off .

  9. 今年的申请标准很低。

    The standard of this year 's applications is very low .

  10. 根据有关的最新消息她申请过30个职位。

    She 'd applied for 30 jobs at the last count .

  11. 我申请这个职位是希望多于期待。

    I applied for the post more in hope than expectation .

  12. 许多人申请了这工作。

    A large number of people have applied for the job .

  13. 申请书请交校长,届时将提供详情。

    Further information is available on application to the principal .

  14. 申请这个工作的求职信使我们应接不暇。

    We have been deluged with applications for the job .

  15. 7月1日以后收到的申请书将不予受理。

    Applications received after 1 July will not be counted .

  16. 我们得申请第二按揭以购买这个房产。

    We had to take out a second bond on the property .

  17. 你申请参加这次问答比赛了吗?

    Have you entered your name for the quiz yet ?

  18. 申请表格及其他详细资料可向人事部索取。

    Application forms and further particulars are available from the Personnel Office .

  19. 他们压着我的申请不办有一个月了。

    They have been sitting on my application for a month now .

  20. 申请表不久将送达你处。

    An application form will be winging its way to you soon .

  21. 你想申请那份工作吗?

    Are you going to put in for that job ?

  22. 她申请准予在白宫拍摄。

    She requested permission to film at the White House .

  23. 他向我透露他已申请另一份工作。

    He confided to me that he had applied for another job .

  24. 有些申请表格一般人可能看不懂。

    Some application forms can be incomprehensible to ordinary people .

  25. 申请者须有二级优等以上学位。

    Applicants should have at least a second-class honours degree .

  26. 这本小册子介绍如何申请职位。

    The leaflet explains how to apply for a place .

  27. 目前,申请人数和就业岗位的比例为100:1。

    The ratio of applications to available places currently stands at 100:1 .

  28. 申请新签证真烦死人了!

    What a palaver it is , trying to get a new visa !

  29. 申请我们这项工作的人相对较少。

    We had relatively few applications for the job .

  30. 他申请的那所学院录取了他。

    The college he applied to has accepted him .