
  1. 进出口货物查验是指海关在接受申报并审核报关单证的基础上对进出口货物进行实际校对检查。

    Inspection of imported and exported goods is the customs declaration in the declaration and audit certificate on the basis of actual import and export goods inspection proofing .

  2. 进出境运输工具到达或者驶离设立海关的地点时,运输工具负责人应当向海关如实申报,交验单证,接受海关检查。

    When a means of transport arrives at or departs from a place where there is a customs establishment , the person in charge of it shall make a truthful declaration to the customs , submit the relevant papers for examination .

  3. 企业凭进口付汇到货核销表、收汇凭证以及国际收支涉外收入申报单等相关单证到外汇局办理贸易进口付汇核销手续。

    Enterprises shall handle the procedures of verification of import payments in foreign exchange with administration of foreign exchange upon the documents including verification statement of import payments in foreign exchange , the foreign exchange collection vouchers and the foreign-related revenue declaration documents of international revenue and expenditure .